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How do I cancel my subscription?
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 2 months ago

On this page:

Can I cancel my paid subscription at any moment?

Yes. Our subscription plans are not contract-based, which means you can choose to change - or cancel - the subscription at any time. This is irrespective of the type of plan you have signed up for.

Can I cancel my trial account?

Your trial account will be deactivated automatically after the trial period ends (14 days). As Optmyzr doesn't request your credit card details when you sign up for a free trial, no charges will be made.

If you would like to revoke access to Optmyzr in Google Ads, you can follow the instructions available here. If you still want us to delete your trial account, let us know at

Will I get a refund for the unused months?

When a subscription is canceled, it will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle. No partial refunds will be provided for unused months.

What if I cancel while on an annual spend cap?

If you have an annual spend cap set for your Optmyzr subscription and decide to cancel before the end of the 12-month period, the monthly spend limit (annual spend cap/12) will be considered for the months that the subscription was active.

Here's an example to illustrate:

Let's say you have an Optmyzr subscription with an annual ad spend cap of $3 million, which translates to a monthly spend limit of $250,000 (3 million / 12).

If you decide to cancel the subscription after the second month, during which you have a total ad spend of $700,000, there would be an overage charge for the extra $200,000 in ad spend. For more details, please refer to our extra spend overage charge calculation formula here.

How do I proceed with the cancelation?

If you'd like to cancel your subscription, you can contact us at

Please note that the email must be sent from the same email address you've used to register to Optmyzr. You can also log in to Optmyzr and send us a message directly from the help box. 

We'd also love to get your feedback on why you've decided to cancel and if there's something that you felt was missing or that we could've done better.

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