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Quality Score Tracker - FAQs
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 7 months ago

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What is the Account, Ad Group, and Campaign Level Quality Score?

In your Google Ads account, you can only see Quality Score for a keyword level. It becomes difficult to scrutinize each and every keyword and decide which part of the account needs to be optimized first.

This is why the campaign and ad group level Quality Score you see in Optmyzr's Quality Score Tracker is so useful. It is a weighted Quality Score calculated based on individual keyword Quality Scores and the number of impressions the keywords in the ad group and campaign received. 

It is a good indicator of the collective health of keywords and gives you an idea of which campaigns/ad groups need to be optimized on a priority. Account-level Quality Score also gives an idea of the general health of your account and is calculated in a similar manner.

What does "Ad Groups to be Optimized" mean?

Optmyzr recommends Ad Groups that have a Quality Score of less than 6 and are accruing a relatively high cost (>0) to be optimized. In the table, the ad groups are arranged in descending order of cost. 

Can I save the Campaign Level Quality Score for future reference?

Yes, you can also download the campaign level Quality Score as a CSV file on the upper right side of the tool. 

What does "Impressions by Quality Score" mean?

The impressions by Quality Score graph shows the impressions of keywords for each Quality Score from the first day in the date range from which Optmyzr started tracking Quality Score. 

Shouldn't the total QS of a keyword be the average of the three Quality Score factors?

The overall account Quality Score is not an exact average of the three QS components (Expected Clickthrough Rate (CTR), Ad Relevance, and Landing Page Experience), as the exact weight of each component is unknown. Brad Geddes wrote an article that estimates the exact weights, and while the formula is not 100% accurate, it gives a very good approximation. Each of the QS components is an indicator of which elements need to be optimized to improve the overall Quality Score. 

How are the Quality Score components calculated?

The Quality Score at the keyword level is retrieved directly from your Google Ads account. The QS at other levels (account, campaign, and ad group) are calculated by Optmyzr using a weighted average based on the number of impressions from Google Search on all devices.

Quality Scores for the 3 sub-components don't get a numerical value in Google so we've assigned one to make it possible to calculate the scores at the ad group, campaign, and account level. 

Here is how we translate Google's score for a Quality Score sub-component like Landing Page Quality, Expected CTR, and Ad Relevance to a numerical value:

  • Below average = 2

  • Average = 6

  • Above average = 10

Is there a way to report on Quality Score components to share with my clients?

The 'Download PDF' option available in the upper right corner will allow you to download a white-labeled PDF file with the current tab data.

What ad types are supported by the Quality Score Tracker tool?

The Quality Score Tracker tool works for search campaigns and specifically for ads that have keyword data associated with them. This includes Text Ads, Responsive Search Ads, and call-only ads.

Why do I see a quality score of 6 on the tool even though Google Ads UI displays it as '—'?

If you notice a “—” in the Quality Score column on Google Ads, it means there aren't enough searches that exactly match your keywords to determine a keyword’s Quality Score.

For our system to correctly calculate the quality scores for the sub-components and run other related calculations, the keyword quality score needs to be a numerical value. Therefore, we treat the '—' as a neutral value of 6, as it represents a balanced value that is neither good nor bad.

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