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List of Available Audits for Google Ads
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 9 months ago

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Ad Groups

  • High-Cost Ad Groups with Low Quality Score: Checks for ad groups that are among the top x% of highest spend, and which have a quality score that’s less than X.

  • Ad Groups With Too Few Ads/Too Many Ads: These two widgets will check for any ad groups that have either too many or too few ads, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed ads.

  • Ad Groups With Too Many Keywords: Check for any ad groups that include more than your defined value for the maximum number of allowed active keywords.

  • Ad Groups with Duplicate Ads

  • Ad Groups with too few keywords


  • Ads With Duplicate Descriptions: This will check to make sure that no more than X% of ads have the same description.

  • Ads With Duplicate Headline 1: This will check to make sure that no more than X% of ads have the same headline 1.

  • Ads With Duplicate Headline 2: As with Duplicate Headline 1, this audit will check to see if there are any two or more ads with the same headline 2

Ads With Dynamic Keyword Insertion

  • Final URLs that are still using HTTP: Checks for final URLs that are still using HTTP instead of HTTPS. It considers the ETAs, RSAs, Call Ads, and any final URL associated with a keyword.

  • Use of Legacy Text Ads: This audit displays the % of active ads that are Legacy Text Ad type.

  • Duplicate Final URL: This audit will return the percentage of all ads that have the same Final URL.

Display Campaigns

  • Display Campaigns With No Placement Exclusion


  • Campaign Types Active in Account: This audit shows all the active campaign types you have in an account. E.g., if you are running a search, shopping, display campaigns, etc.

  • Campaigns Losing Impression Share due to Budget: This audit shows those campaigns that don't have enough daily budgets. Therefore, they end up losing impression share. You can optimize them by increasing their daily budget. You can use the Optimize Budget tool for this. You'll only see those campaigns that are losing IS due to budget > 1% (Either Search or Content IS).

  • Campaigns with Too Few DSA Ad Groups

Advanced Targeting

  • Campaigns With No Day Parts: This audit checks for campaigns that include Ad Schedules.

  • Campaigns targeting All Countries & Territories: This audit displays and lists how many of your campaigns are targeting all countries and territories.

  • List: Account Location Targets: This audit generates a list of all the locations that are being targeted for each campaign.

  • List: Account Ad Schedules: This audit helps you identify if there are campaigns that don't have day parts set up. You can then use the Hour of the Week Bid Adjustment tool to optimize them. 

Negative Keywords

  • Campaigns With No Negative Keywords: This audit lists the campaigns that have no negative keywords. Negative keywords can be added from high-cost and low-performing queries through the Negative Keyword Finder.

  • Count of negative keywords by campaigns: This audit checks and lists the count of negative keywords found in each campaign.

  • Conflicting Negative Keywords: This audit checks your account for keyword conflicts that can block the necessary traffic. It checks if negative keywords in the account are conflicting with the positive keywords.

    The tool also lets you customize the audit by choosing which keyword conflicts are expected for your account based on your strategy. You can choose to ignore:

    • Conflicts of positive broad and phrase match keywords with exact match negative keywords

    • Conflicts of broad match positive keywords with phrase match negative keywords.

    By customizing the audit based on your strategy, you can focus on the specific conflicts that are most relevant to your campaign goals, helping you ensure that your keywords are working together effectively.


  • Converting Keywords that are losing Impression Share: This audit displays how many converting keywords are losing impression share due to ad rank, along with their own detailed information for match type, conversions for the last 30 days, search rank lost, and the current CPC bid.

  • Keyword Match Type: Spread By Count: This audit displays how many active keywords fall under each match type and which percentage of the keyword totality each match type represents.

  • Keyword Match Type: Performance Spread: This audit checks conversions for the last 30 days. It displays the number of conversions for each match type, along with its clicks for the last 30 days and the conversion rate for each.

  • Broad Match Modifier Keywords: Displays which percentage of the total keywords are +Broad +Match +Modified.

  • Keywords with Clicks: Percentage of keywords with clicks.

  • Keywords with Conversions: Percentage of keywords with conversions.

  • Keywords with Impressions: Percentage of keywords with impressions.


  • Account Time Zone and Currency: Displays the current time zone and currency of the account.

  • Minimum Account CTR: Displays the account CTR and whether it's higher or lower than the minimum required CTR.

  • Total Daily Budget

  • Number of DSA Ad Groups

  • Offline Conversion Imports: Displays the total number of Offline Conversions that your account received. Offline Conversions provide insights into valuable actions triggered by the ads, like in-store purchases or phone calls, and help optimize campaigns for true ROI and better ad spend allocation.

Conversion Tracking and modifying your settings in Optmyzr

  • Account Conversion Tracking Status: Accounts with no conversions for the past 30 days may not have conversion tracking enabled. This audit, therefore, returns whether or not conversion tracking is active and if so, the number of conversions for the past 30 days.

    It’ll also display the Tracker IDs along with each of their statuses. You can click on the Tracker ID, and it will open a right-side panel that allows you to edit your Conversion Tracker Settings directly in Optmyzr. It is no longer required for you to log into Google ads if you wish to change the Attribution Model.

    By clicking on the Advanced option, you will be able to enable the option to exclude 'Conversions', change the View-through lookback window, the Click-through lookback window, and the Counting Type (one per click or many per click). If you are not certain which options would work best for your account, feel free to reach out to

You will be able to see these options if you run manually a PPC Audit from the tool.

The editing menu will not appear at the moment if you are previewing the Audit from an email, account dashboard, workout, or blueprints, but it is on our product roadmap to support it. If you would like to be informed when this feature will be launched, contact

  • Conversion Tracking Over-counting Check: If conversions and click counts are the same, it may be a sign that the conversion tag was installed in the wrong location. This audit checks and returns whether or not it is over-counting.

  • Conversion Tracking Undercounting Check: Unusually low conversion rates may be a sign that the tracking code was not installed on all pages or that certain types of conversions (like calls) are not being counted. For this purpose, this audit returns as a percentage of the overall conversion rate. 

  • Conversion Trackers using Last Click Attribution: Checks conversion trackers still using Last Click Attribution. If you click on the Conversion tracking name, it will open a right-side panel where you can edit your Conversion Tracker Settings directly in Optmyzr.

  • Conversions Trackers not considered for the Last Click Attribution Audit Score:

    The attribution model for some conversion types can not be modified to Data data-driven model. Therefore, such conversion trackers are not counted for the Audit Score, even though they are shown in the Audit. The list of such conversion types is:

    • Google Play Download

    • Google Play In App Purchase

    • Firebase Android First Open

    • Firebase Android In App Purchase

    • Firebase Android Custom

    • Firebase IOS First Open

    • Firebase IOS In App Purchase

    • Firebase IOS Custom

    • Third Party App Analytics Android First Open

    • Third Party App Analytics Android In App Purchase

    • Third Party App Analytics Android Custom

    • Third Party App Analytics IOS First Open

    • Third Party App Analytics IOS In App Purchase

    • Third Party App Analytics IOS Custom

    • Android App Pre Registration

    • Android Installs All Other Apps

    • Google Hosted

    • Smart Campaign Tracked Calls

    • Unknown

    • Unspecified

Pro Tip: We recommend not using a Last-Click attribution model because this may undervalue activity from potential customers when they are in the early stages of making a purchasing decision. When this happens, it may lead to other subpar optimization decisions that will ultimately narrow your funnel and cause you to miss out on potential conversions.

Note: We strongly suggest you don't use 'Unknown' and 'Unspecified' as attribution models. Doing so will fail the application, and you'll receive a warning message.


Search Query

  • Clicks distribution by Search Query Match Type

  • Conversions distribution by Search Query Match Type

These audits offer you the option to view and download a list of search queries that meet the respective audit's criteria. This list includes details such as match type, the corresponding matching keyword, and additional performance data.

To access this information, click on the audit, which will open a side tray displaying the relevant data.


  • Ad Relevance Score for keywords 

  • Quality Score for keywords

  • Expected CTR Score for keywords

  • Landing Page Score for keywords

Note: These audits offer the option to open a side tray, where you can access and download a list of keywords that meet the criteria for these audits. Additionally, you can view more detailed information, including Quality scores, Expected CTR, Landing Page scores, and other relevant data for these keywords.


Extensions can be checked for at two levels: Campaigns and Accounts. In both cases, the system checks for two types of extensions:

  1. Extensions that have been added directly to the Campaign or Account (this is the most common one)

  2. Feed-based extensions that have been added using a feed (these are not common anymore, but there may be some accounts that are still using them). For feed-based extensions, the system is only able to analyze and report on those that have had impressions. Feed-based extensions that have zero impressions (all time), will not show up in the audits.

The different extension widgets that are supported in the PPC Policy & Audits are mentioned below:

  • Campaigns with no Sitelink Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Callout Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Call Extensions

  • Campaigns with no App Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Message Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Price Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Promotion Extensions

  • Campaigns with no Structured Snippet Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Sitelink Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Callout Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Call Extensions

  • Count of Account Level App Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Message Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Price Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Promotion Extensions

  • Count of Account Level Structured Snippet Extensions

Performance Max Campaigns

  • Assets with 'Low' Performance Labels - Checks for all the Performance Max assets with “Low” performance labels.

  • Campaigns with Final URL Expansion turned Off - This audit lists the Performance Max campaigns that have the “Final URL Expansion” setting turned off. You have the option to change this setting by clicking on the status (On / Off). An adjacent side tray opens up allowing you to make necessary changes.

  • Asset Groups with No Audience Signal - Checks for the Asset Groups that do not have an audience signal added to them.

  • Asset Groups with Too Few Headlines - Checks for asset groups with too few headline assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed headline assets.

  • Asset Groups with Too Few Long Headlines - Checks for asset groups with too few long headline assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed long headline assets.

  • Asset Groups with Too Few Descriptions - Checks for asset groups with too few description assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed description assets.

  • Asset Groups with Too Few Image Assets - Checks for asset groups with too few Image assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed Image assets.

  • Asset Groups with Too Few Logo Assets - Checks for asset groups with too few Logo assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed Logo assets.

Responsive Search Ads (Google Ads)

  • RSAs with Too Few Headlines - Checks for RSAs with too few headline assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed headline assets.

  • RSAs with Too Few Descriptions - Checks for RSAs with too few description assets, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed description assets.

  • RSAs with Headlines pinned to a single position - The audit lists those RSAs which has headline assets pinned to a single position. Google recommends pinning multiple headline assets to a single position as that gives more flexibility to choose the most relevant asset, matching more closely with the search query intent.

  • RSAs with Descriptions pinned to a single position - The audit lists those RSAs which has headline assets pinned to a single position. Google recommends pinning multiple description assets to a single position as that gives more flexibility to choose the most relevant asset, matching more closely with the search query intent.

  • RSAs with Too-Short Headlines - This audit lists the RSA headline assets that are comparatively short of the Google-allowed character limit. It'd be a good idea to ensure your asset is detailed enough to capture the attention of your target customers.

  • RSAs with Too-Short Descriptions - This audit lists the RSA description assets that are comparatively short of the Google-allowed character limit. It'd be a good idea to ensure your asset is detailed enough to capture the attention of your target customers.

  • RSA Assets with 'Low' Performance Labels - Checks for all the RSA headline and description assets with “Low” performance labels.

  • RSAs with 'Poor' Ad Strength - List down all the RSAs that have recorded a "Poor" ad strength.

  • RSAs with Duplicate Headlines - This audit checks for any duplicate headline assets within an RSA.

  • RSAs with Duplicate Descriptions - This audit checks for any duplicate description assets within an RSA.

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