On this page:
Why don't I see any suggestions in the Negative Keyword Finder (Search) tool?
This optimization analyzes individual words from the search terms report that have not converted to find potential negative keywords. You may not see suggestions in this optimization because of one of the following reasons:
The search terms that have not converted may have received very little traffic. The system usually requires a minimum threshold to make recommendations. For example, you won't see search terms that have 1 impression and 1 click in the list. To remove the traffic threshold and to see all suggestions, enable the Turbo Mode.
The optimization only analyzes search terms from search campaigns and not shopping campaigns. If the account has only shopping campaigns or display campaigns, you won't see suggestions.
The optimization doesn't show suggestions that are already present as negative keywords in the account.
Why don't I see the negative keywords applied through the Negative Keyword Finder (Search) in a campaign?
The Negative Keyword Finder (Search) applies negative keywords either at the account level or to a shared negative keyword list—not directly to individual campaigns.
If they were added to a shared list, you can view it in your Google Ads account under Tools > Shared Library > Exclusion Lists.
If they were added at the account level, you’ll find them under Admin > Account Settings > Negative Keywords.
Keep in mind that Google Ads allows a maximum of 1,000 account-level negative keywords, so if you're close to that limit, new ones may not be added.
I seem to be getting the same suggestions every time I run Negative Keyword Finder (Search) in a workout
This issue is usually caused if the shared negative list is an MCC level shared list. Shared Lists at the MCC level are not supported by the API, so, unfortunately, we are not able to detect it.
Our suggested workaround for these cases are
1. Creating a new list at the account level
2. Downloading the results as CSV and uploading them using Google Ads Editor.
I'm getting an error when adding negatives to an MCC-level shared negative list
Currently, the Google Ads API doesn't let us write to MCC-level shared negative lists. We are working on a workaround, but in the meantime, you can add the changes to a shared negative list that is specific to an account.