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Managing SKAGs with Optmyzr
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over a week ago

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What are SKAGs?

Single Keyword Ad Groups, also known as SKAGs, are a Google Ads strategy that puts one keyword in each of your campaign’s ad groups, giving you more control over raising click-through rates, managing bids, and achieving high Quality Scores. 

Managing SKAGS with Optmyzr

At Optmyzr we offer different ways for creating SKAGs from existing account keywords, from high-performing search terms, and through external data by means of a spreadsheet. You'll find the details below. 

From Existing Account Keywords

Quality Score Tracker

The Quality Score Tracker helps track your Quality Score and prioritize the campaigns and ad groups that will most benefit from a Quality Score optimization. You can access it from the Insights tab or directly from this link.

In the Keywords tab, you'll see the top spending keywords in the account with their own particular metrics, such as how the Quality Score has changed, keyword ad relevance, and more. With this performance information, you can choose to take one (or more) keywords and convert them into a SKAG for its optimization. 

Note: The option to SKAG is only available if the adgroup has at least one active RSA.

From Search Terms

Keyword Lasso

The Keyword Lasso optimization analyzes search terms and suggests high-performing search queries that should be added as keywords to your Google Ads and Microsoft Ads account. These search terms are not currently present as keywords in the account. Integrated into the same tool, you can choose from the suggestions to SKAG these keywords. 

Select the keyword from the suggestions, press on Create SKAG, and choose a campaign where it should be created. Enter a template name for the SKAGs to be created, and press ok. 

Rule Engine

You can now create SKAGs directly from the Rule Engine's strategies. You can select "search queries" as the Goal, then "high performing search queries" as the strategy, select if you want to use Optmyzr's suggestions, or have full control.

In the actions of each rule, you'll have the option to "Create SKAG" which will display the following options:

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