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Microsoft Shopping Campaign Builder - User Guide
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 7 months ago

On this page:

Define the Structure

To begin with, select the campaign in which you want to create the product groups (left column).

Use the 'SPLIT BY' option to define the structure of the product groups in the campaign. You can choose up to seven levels by which to create product groups. 

For example, you can choose Brand as the first level and then Product Category 0, and so on.

You can create all the product groups under one single ad group or under different ad groups. You can choose to create different ad groups for the first level you've opted to split it by. 

After specifying the structure, click 'Next' to see the product groups and set the bids. At this stage, the system pulls the data from the linked product feed and puts them in the structure you've defined. 

Review the Structure

On the next page, you'll see the actual structure and product groups that will be created. The white page icons represent individual ad groups and the yellow folders under them represent different levels of product group partitions. On this page, you can change bids for product groups and exclude product groups as well. 

  • To change the bid, double-click on the product group and you'll get an option to change the bid. Updated bids will be highlighted in red color as shown below.

  • To exclude a product group, uncheck the box next to the product group and it will show excluded status.

Upload Changes

After reviewing, click on 'Create Product Groups in Microsoft Ads' to upload the structure to your Microsoft Ads account.

Ad Groups Prefix

When applying changes, you will be prompted to add a prefix for the ad groups that will be created. Having the same split and prefix set for the ad groups in a campaign is very useful when any new additions are made to the feed, as these prefixed guide the system towards maintaining the same structure. 

When you use the Shopping Refresher Pro tool, the prefixes set here will be the ones the tool will use to create new product groups and ad groups.

Restructure existing ad groups with the same name

This checkbox option in the prompt message allows you to restructure your current ad groups towards the current structure and prefix you've set. 

After you confirm the upload to Microsoft Ads, feel free to navigate away from the page, and the changes will continue to be uploaded in the back end. Keep in mind that if your product feed is large, it will result in thousands of product groups, and it takes time to upload a large number of changes to Microsoft Ads. 

Send Email once Applied

Once you click apply, you will have the option to receive an email once optimization is applied. This way, you won't have to wait for the process to finish loading. You'll be notified if there were any errors, and/or if the changes were applied successfully.

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