The resulting script spreadsheet has multiple tabs, one for each case. You can find the details on what each one means here.
404 Error
When a URL is checked and the response is a 404 error, then it'll be logged here. This error code means that the URL wasn't found, and is incorrect.
No issues
This sheet has all the URLs that returned response codes 200 or 202, and which don't contain any matching text.
LP Content Warnings
When a URL returns a response code 200 or 202, we fetch the entire text of that page and then check for the text from the "text to monitor" fields. If such text is found, it's logged in this sheet.
Not Checked
The URLs that fail to return any response are logged under this issue, as they weren't checked. 500 error codes will also appear here.
This sheet has all the URLs that were checked and which returned any response codes.