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Shopping Campaign Management - Use Cases
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 6 months ago

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Building Shopping or PMax campaigns based on performance

One way to optimize shopping or performance max campaigns is to group products in different campaigns based on performance. For example: You can bucket products with similar ROAS performance together in their own campaigns. It could be something like this:

  1. Winning Campaign (Contains high ROAS products)

  2. Testing Campaign (Still performing to be categorized yet)

  3. Low Performing (Contains low ROAS products)

You can decide if you want to run the campaigns with a lower ROAS target or pause them, depending on your available budget and goals. The way to group products by ROAS and structure campaigns based on that is to use a custom label in the merchant feed.

The value of ROAS can be fed as a Custom Label in the merchant feed, and with that information you can then create Smart Shopping Campaigns for each custom label value, using the Shopping Campaign Builder 2.0 

Steps to Implement the Strategy

If you'd like to implement a structure based on this strategy,  we can generate a supplemental feed for your products with ROAS performance data fed into one of the empty custom labels. You'll need to perform the following steps:

  • Step 1: Empty a Custom Label field for using ROAS data: 

You'll need to empty one of the custom label fields in your merchant center feed so that we can use it to push ROAS values.  

  • Step 2: Generation of Supplemental feed (Optmyzr can do this for you): 

Once we have a confirmation from you on which Custom Label 0-4 can be used, we'll generate the supplemental feed and send it to you with instructions to set it up in the Google Merchant Center. 

  • Step 3: Association of Supplemental feed:

The generated supplemental feed will be required to be associated with your merchant center account. This will enable us to push updated ROAS data through the Custom label field to your merchant feed. We’ll send you instructions for this along with the feed.

  • Step 4: Create required performance max or shopping campaigns using the Shopping Campaign Management tool. 

Setting up automation in Optmyzr and Merchant feed for seamless integration

  • Step 1: Sync the primary feed in the Merchant Center with the source file or website (you can schedule this in Merchant Center, for example, 05:00 AM)

  • Step 2: Update the existing supplemental feed with new information. (Optmyzr will do this if we create the supplemental feed, where we look at the newly updated primary feed and add/edit custom labels to the products. This schedule should be set up later than the Step 1 schedule, for example, 06:00 AM)

  • Step 3: Sync the primary feed with the supplemental feed to fetch all the correct Custom Labels (this can be done in the Merchant Center. The schedule has to be later than the Step 2 schedule, for example, 07:00 AM)

  • Step 4: Sync the campaign structure with the Merchant feed to automatically add/remove products. You can create these schedules in Optmyzr to run after the Step 3 schedule.

If you don't have a supplemental feed, Steps 2 and 3 can be skipped.

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