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Find and Replace Feature
The Find and Replace feature is an incredibly useful resource for making bulk changes to your ad component texts. It allows you to set your own replacement parameters so that the changes are made to the right text and in the right ad component. This feature is supported for both Google Ads and Microsoft Ads.
The "Match whole word" option in the Find and Replace feature's criteria is the following:
If the option is checked
If the character that goes before and after the string contains one of the following, it'll be considered a full word.
[Start of Line, End of Line, space, dot(.), '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '+', '-', '?', '€','™']
For example, if you have ad text with "Special Plans for New Agencies and End Advertisers Starting from $249/month", the Match Whole Word will match the following:
"New": It will match for 'New' because the character before 'New' is a space and the character after the word is also space.
"Special": It'll match with 'Special' because the character before "Special" is the start of the line, and the character after it is a space.
For the case of the string "Plan" it won't match as a whole word as the ad text is "Plans" (plural) and the string searched for is "Plan". "month" and "249" won't match either as the character "/" is not a matching character.
If the option is unchecked
If the "Match whole word" is unchecked, the strings "New", "Special", "Plan", "month" and "249" will match, as it won't be taking into consideration the previous or posterior characters.