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Optimize Budgets - Multi Account Portfolio - FAQs

Frequently asked questions and troubleshooting for optimizing budgets across platforms in Optmyzr

Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 2 months ago

Campaign and account types

Budget tracking


Campaign and account types

Are Facebook budgets Supported?

Yes, both campaign budgets (CBO) and ad set budgets (ABO) are supported. However, Facebook budgets are not included in the system-generated reallocation suggestions at the moment. You can still edit the daily budgets manually.

Are Amazon Ads accounts supported?

Currently, we don't support Amazon Ads accounts in the tool, but we are already working on it. You can write to to request a notification once the feature is available.

Are Google Ads video campaigns paused by the tool?

Right now, the Google Ads API doesn’t allow pausing or re-enabling video budgets. You can change the status directly in the Google Ads interface.

Can I manage budgets for Performance Max, Local Campaigns, or Local Service Ads (LSA) campaigns using this tool?

Yes, the Optimize Budgets - Multi Account Portfolio tool supports Performance Max, Local Campaign, and Local Service Ads campaign types to manage your budgets. You can track the budgets, modify them, or even pause/re-enable these campaigns based on their performance.

The tool also provides reallocation suggestions based on potential spend, historical data, and target budget.

What campaign types are not supported?

Currently, Google Ads doesn't share Demand Gen and feed-based Discovery campaign data via its API and, as a result, these campaign types are not considered in the budget tools.

Budget tracking

Is it possible to track campaigns with different currencies together?

Yes, we'll convert all currencies to the one you've selected when setting up the portfolio. You can edit the currency settings by clicking 'Manage and Create Portfolios'.

Will the tool re-enable campaigns that were manually paused before/after enabling the tool's pause feature?

When re-enabling campaigns, the tool checks if their status was modified by our system. That way, the tool will only re-enable campaigns that were paused by it, and it won't change the status of campaigns that were manually paused.

How is Actual Spend calculated in the tool?

It is calculated by aggregating the spend from all budgets (shared and individual) in the selected budget group.

Are ad schedules taken into account?

The 'Projected spend' and reallocation calculations take into account trends and past ad schedules. The tool factors in historical data such as seasonality and spend patterns to provide an estimate of the total spend.

However, when it comes to the 'Required daily spend to hit the target' calculation, ad schedules are not explicitly considered. Currently, this calculation follows a standard formula based on projected spend for the future and the number of remaining days. Therefore, if ad schedules are in place to pause ads on specific days, the required daily spend calculation does not account for it. It is designed to provide an idea of the average daily spend but should not be solely relied upon to adjust daily budgets when ad schedules are in effect.

If I create a new campaign, will it be included in my budget group?

For the time being, if you select a whole account for a portfolio and later on add a new campaign to it, this new campaign won't be included. We are currently working on supporting this, so please send us a message if you’d like to get notified when new budgets can be automatically added to a budget group.

If a campaign present in a budget group is deleted during a budget cycle, will its spend still be considered for the calculation of the target budget?

Yes, the spend for any removed or deleted campaign will be considered for the Target Budget by the tool. Furthermore, the spend from paused campaigns in the budget group is considered part of the month's spend and hence included in the calculations of the target budget.

If a campaign present in a budget group is paused using another Optmyzr tool, will that campaign be re-enabled on the 1st of the next month?

No, only campaigns that are paused by Optimize Budgets - Multi Account Portfolio are re-enabled. Even if a campaign is part of a portfolio, if it was paused by another tool, it won't get re-enabled on the 1st.


Why does it say "Removed" next to my campaign names, even though these campaigns are still running?

When you see the words "removed" next to a campaign name, it indicates that the budget has been removed for that campaign during the date range. It does not have to do with the state of the campaign. This will also only be visible when you have checked the "show paused" option in the left-hand filters.

Why are some supported campaigns not shown in the tool?

In order to appear, entities (budgets, campaigns, ad sets) need to have performance data accrued during the selected time period, It is possible that early in the new budget cycle some entities haven’t had a chance to run quite yet.

Why am I getting an error that says the budgets can't be accessed?

This may happen for various reasons, among them are:

  • It's the start of the month, and the budget has no cost.

  • The budget is set to 0.

  • The budget is paused with no spend for the current month.

  • There are no impressions at the beginning of the month.

We recommend following the below instructions to avoid any cache-related issues:

  1. Go to your browser settings (3 dots icon on the upper right corner of your browser window)

  2. Scroll to More Tools and click on Developer Tools

  3. Right-click on the browser’s Reload (🔄) icon and choose “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”

Please check all these possibilities and if you still have doubts, feel free to contact us at, and we'll be glad to help out.

Why am I unable to see the account I want to add to my portfolio/budget group?

Check that the account is linked to Optmyzr. If not, you can link the account to Optmyzr on the link another account page. If you're still not seeing the account, please contact us at

If you’re an Enterprise-level customer and have Google Ads access levels enabled in Optmyzr, please make sure you have access to the accounts in the Google Ads UI.

What happens if one of my accounts gets disconnected?

We will send you an email if the system loses access to an account, along with a list of the accounts we are unable to fetch data for.

I get an error ‘Budget is invalid or deleted’ when trying to access it from my email. Why?

If you delete a budget from a budget group, you'll also be deleting alerts for the same. If you head over to the budget group from your email, you'll see a pop-up with the text "Budget is invalid or deleted". Any alerts related to the budget will be instantly deleted as well.

Why is the Apply button not active?

The Apply button stays inactive if no rows are edited and selected. If you hover over the button and see the text ‘No changes to apply. First edit and select at least one row’, make sure you’ve marked the checkbox next to the budget name, and that the value in the Edit Daily Budget field is not the same as the current Daily Budget.

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