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Suggested Bids for Amazon - Advanced Mode
Suggested Bids for Amazon - Advanced Mode
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over a week ago

On this page:

What are the additional features in the advanced mode?

In the advanced mode, you get access to additional metrics and filter settings.

View additional filters: View additional filter settings such as current bid, suggested bid, impressions, clicks, cost, and conversions.

View additional metrics: View additional metrics like conversions, cost, and clicks that can help you make a decision when increasing bids.

How do I enable the Advanced Mode?

The Advanced Mode is turned off by default. To enable it, click on the Advanced Mode switch in the left-side selector on the tool.

Tips and Recommendations

  • When viewing 'All' suggestions, we recommend using the custom filters to find high potential keywords to increase bids.

  • If you're on a budget, and the keywords haven't received any traffic, we recommend choosing keywords that have a high Quality Score.

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