On this page:
Account Time Zone and Currency: Displays the current time zone and currency of the account.
Minimum Account CTR: Displays the account CTR and whether it's higher or lower than the minimum required CTR.
Total Daily Budget
Number of DSA Ad Groups
Campaign Types Active in Account: This audit shows all the active campaign types you have in an account. Eg: if you are running a search, shopping, display campaigns, etc.
Campaigns Losing Impression Share due to Budget: This audit shows those campaigns which don't have enough daily budgets therefore they end up losing impression share. You can optimize them by increasing their daily budget. You can use Optimize Budget tool for this. You'll only see those campaigns that are losing IS due to budget > 1% (Either Search or Content IS).
Bidding Strategy Spread by Campaigns: This audit shows a breakdown of all the bidding strategies used across active campaigns in the account
List: Bidding Strategy for each Campaign
Campaigns with Too Few DSA Ad Groups
Ad Groups
Ad Groups With Too Few Keywords/Too Many Keywords: These two audits will check for any ad groups that have either too many or too few keywords, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed keywords.
Ad Groups With Too Many Expanded Text Ads: Check for any ad groups that include more than your defined value for maximum allowed ETAs.
Ad Groups With Too Few Ads/Too Many RSAs: These two audits will check for any ad groups that have either too many or too few Responsive Search Ads, allowing you to set the maximum/minimum number of allowed RSAs.
Ad Groups with duplicate Ads
Ads With Duplicate Headlines 1/2/3: This will check to make sure that no more than X% ads have the same headline 1/2/3.
Ads With Duplicate Descriptions 1/2: This will check to make sure that no more than X% ads have the same description 1/2.
Final URLs that are still using http: Checks for final URLs that are still using http instead of https. It considers the ETAs, RSAs, Call Ads and any final URL associated with a keyword.
Ads With Duplicate Final URL
Ads With Dynamic Keyword Insertion
Keywords with Impressions: Percentage of keywords with impressions
Keywords with Clicks: Percentage of keywords with clicks
Keywords with Conversions: Percentage of keywords with conversions
Keyword Match Type: Spread By Count: This audit displays how many active keywords fall under each match type, and which percentage of the keyword totality each match type represents.
Keyword Match Type: Performance Spread: This audit checks conversions for the last 30 days. It displays the number of conversions for each match type, along with its clicks for the last 30 days, and the conversion rate for each.
Broad Match Modifier Keywords: Displays which percentage of the total keywords are +Broad +Match +Modified
Negative Keywords
Campaigns With No Negative Keywords: This audit lists the campaigns that have no negative keywords. Negative keywords can be added from high-cost and low-performing queries through the Negative Keyword Finder.
Count of negative keywords by Campaigns: This audit checks and lists the count of negative keywords found in each campaign.
Search Ad Groups with No Negative Keywords: This audit lists the search ad groups that have no negative keywords.
Advanced Targeting
List: Account Location Targets: This audit generates a list of all the locations which are being targeted for each campaign.
Conversion Tracking and modifying your settings in Optmyzr
Conversion Tracking Over-counting Check: If conversions and click counts are the same, it may be a sign that the conversion tag was installed in the wrong location. This audit checks and returns whether or not it is over-counting.
Conversion Tracking Undercounting Check: Unusually low conversion rates may be a sign that the tracking code was not installed on all pages, or that certain types of conversions (like calls) are not being counted. For this purpose, this audit returns as a percentage of the overall conversion rate.
Conversions distribution by Search Query Match Type
Quality Score for keywords
Ad Relevance Score for keywords
Landing Page Score for keywords
Expected CTR Score for keywords