On this page:
Learn about the PPC Account Audit here.
What date ranges are used for the performance grading?
All audits use the date range of 45 days offset by 3.
The data for the last 3 days is excluded since the Amazon Ads API doesn't return accurate performance data for the last three days. The data keeps changing and is updated over that period of time. Therefore, to maintain data accuracy we exclude the last three days of data from the calculation in all Amazon Ads tools.
How are the grades defined?
Grades are given depending on the % of items being checked in the account that need your attention.
For example, if we are auditing to find ad groups with less than "n" keywords, then, the grade will be given based on the following logic:
Grade A when < 20% ad groups match the check.
Grade B when < 40% ad groups match the check.
If more than 40% of ad groups have more than "n" keywords, then we give a C rating.
Why does the audit table show – under ACoS for some of my campaigns?
The value of ACoS is shown empty i.e – in cases where your campaign/ad group has some spend value but sales generated by it is 0.