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All Accounts Dashboard - FAQs
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 3 months ago

On this page:

The Quality Score remains the same, even if I change the date range. Why?

This happens if you pick two date ranges in which the last day in the date range is the same for example, last 7 days and last 30 days. The dashboard shows what the Quality Score was on the last day of the selected date range. It is not an average over the entire period of time because a complete average may not give the right picture of the state of the account. When you say last 30 days or last 7 days the last day of the date range is the same in both cases which is why the QS remains the same.

Can I bulk update Account Settings on the All Accounts Dashboard?

Yes, you can bulk update account settings using the Edit sign on the top right corner. Snapshot below. 

You can change the account name, account monthly budget, account owner, and notes together for all the accounts. Find the details of this feature here.

How does Sorting Work?

The sorting across pages on the All Accounts Dashboard relies on cached data (supporting any date ranges within the last 30 days). This is why sometimes the order might not exactly match the current data you are seeing based on the Date range you selected.

By default, any metric column will be sorted as High to Low, while any column with text (Account Name, Account ID, Owner, Notes, Tags) will be sorted as A to Z. The arrow indicates which logic is being used. If you click again on the column currently selected, it will reverse the sorting logic.

For example, if you click on the column Cost by default it will load with the highest spending account on top, if you click again, then the first page will include the lowest spending accounts.

The system automatically reorders the value you see on the page based on the real data, however, the order might not be in logical sequence between page 1 and page 2 due to the cached data being used.

It can take some time to load the All Accounts Dashboard when sorting is done for the first time on a different column, you will get a message of confirmation Sorted Across All pages once it is completed.

At the moment, we do not support cached data for Amazon accounts and Google Analytics metrics. Any account with lost access or zero data in the last 90 days would appear at the beginning or end of the sorting.

Note: The sum shown at the bottom of the page is only the total of the rows shown on the page, it is not an overall sum across pages.

The suggestion column is sorted based on real-time data so you can check your accounts with the highest number of suggestions available.

The Monthly Budget column is sorted based on real-time data.

How to compare account performance in the All Accounts Dashboard

To compare account performance across two date ranges in the All Accounts Dashboard for any scope (All, Platform-specific or Starred account only), you can choose the date range in the "compare with period".

Note: When you choose to compare any date range to the previous period, the system considers the exact same number of days just before the selected current date range.

For example, if today was June 24th, and you take the last 7 days from today to compare to the previous period, then you’d be comparing the week from 18th to 24th, to the week from 11th to 17th.

If you choose a custom date, then it won't be dynamically updated and will remain static.

Note: If you wish to see the account suggestions count, you will need to set Compare with None, otherwise, you will see NA on your All Accounts Dashboard.

Which functionalities are available on the All Accounts Dashboard for Facebook scope?

Once you link your Facebook Account to Optmyzr you will be able to :

  • See live data for the list of supported metrics

  • Star your favorite accounts

  • Add tags and notes

  • Add Calculated metrics

  • Download manually the CSV file (which will contain a maximum of 100 accounts per page)

  • Monthly Budget & Cycle Date (can be entered via the bulk edit of account details)

  • % Monthly Budget spend and Budget pacing

Checking Conversions in Facebook Ads: To view 'Conv' and 'Conv Value,' select 'Result' and 'Result Value' from the right-hand hamburger menu. Facebook Ads use the term 'Results' for conversions.

Note: "Website Purchase Value" and "Website Purchase ROAS" metrics are not supported in the All Accounts Dashboard.

If there is anything else you would like to achieve for Facebook on the All Accounts Dashboard, feel free to share your feedback with

Does Budget Pacing for the Monthly Budget include the spend for local ad services?

Budget Pacing on the All Accounts Dashboard is designed to work for all campaign types, including local ad services. However, if you're unable to view data for some of your campaigns, including local ones, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at for assistance.

What columns are supported in the exported/scheduled CSV report for the All Accounts Dashboard?

List of all the supported columns

  1. Account Id

  2. Account Name

  3. Starred

  4. Currency

  5. Monthly Budget

  6. Cycle Date

  7. Account Owner

  8. Tags

  9. Notes

  10. Budget Spent %

  11. Budget Pacing

  12. Cost

  13. Impr

  14. Clicks

  15. CTR

  16. Avg CPC

  17. Quality Score

  18. Interactions

  19. Conv

  20. Cost / Conv

  21. Conv Rate

  22. Conv Val

  23. Conv Val / Click

  24. Conv Val / Cost

  25. All Conv.

  26. All Conv. Value

  27. All Conv. Rate

  28. All Conv. Value / Cost

  29. Cost / All Conv

  30. ROAS

  31. Search Impr Share

  32. Goal 1

  33. Goal 2

  34. Goal 3

  35. Goal 4

  36. Goal 5

  37. Goal 6

  38. Goal 7

  39. Goal 8

  40. Total goals

  41. Revenue

  42. Goal Conv. Rate

  43. Remaining Budget

  44. Required Daily Spend

  45. Expected Spend %

List of all the unsupported columns

  • Tasks

  • Audit Score

  • Alerts

  • Suggestions

  • Imported metrics

  • Calculated metrics

  • Custom Conversions for Google Ads

  • SA360 for Google Ads

  • New UA4 columns

Read more about Scheduling CSV here.

What is the logic behind the three budget performance-tracking columns i.e. Remaining Budget, Required Daily Spend, and Expected Spend %?

Listed below is the logic that the system uses to calculate the value of each metric -

  • Remaining Budget = Target budget - Budget that has been spent (or cost so far) according to cycle date

  • Required Daily Spend = (Target Budget - Cost so far) / Number of remaining days

  • Expected Spend % = (Days completed according to cycle date * 100) / Total number of days

Why are my budget pacing and projected spend percentages different?

Budget Pacing indicates the percentage of your budget spent relative to what you should have spent by a certain point in the month (linear spending). For instance, if your monthly budget is $10,000 and you've spent $8,000 in the first 20 days, the budget pacing is calculated as follows:

Amount spent per day in the first 20 days = $8,000 / 20 = $400

Estimated spend for the month = $400 * 31 = $12,400

Budget pacing = $12,400 / $10,000 = 1.24

Budget pacing percentage = 1.24 * 100 = 124%

On the other hand, when calculating the projected spend for the month, the system considers spend data, historical seasonality, and recent performance to predict the account's likely spend by the end of the month. Since this prediction isn't solely based on what's spent up to that point, the projected spend percentage with respect to your budget may differ from the budget pacing percentage.

To summarize, while the budget pacing values shown on the Dashboards give you a quick idea of how much you've spent so far, projected spend predicts how much you're likely to spend by the end of the month based on historical data as well. So, if you want a more accurate picture of your spending behavior, check out Spend Projection for detailed insights.

How is Budget Spent % calculated?

Budget Spent % shows you the percentage of budget spent so far and is calculated based on the budget cycle date set under the Monthly Budgets section. Budget Spent % remains unaffected by date range changes on the dashboard and depends solely on the Budget cycle date set for each account.

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