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Account Blueprints - FAQs

Commonly asked questions about account blueprints

Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 11 months ago

On this page:

What happens if I delete a blueprint?

If a blueprint is deleted, all tasks that are not completed (overdue, due tasks) will be removed. Any tasks that were completed before the blueprint was deleted, will continue to show.

What happens if an account is disassociated from a blueprint?

If an account that was earlier associated with a blueprint is disassociated from the blueprint, overdue tasks will continue to show. However, new tasks will not be generated and tasks that are due later will stop showing.

Why do I see "Team Account" on the "My Tasks" page?

If you are looking at tasks assigned to all team members, you may see 'Team Account' in the accounts column for accounts you don't have access to.

How do I archive old tasks?

We have a button at the top of the "My Tasks" page to archive old tasks. You can archive all overdue tasks or tasks overdue by 7+ days.

Do all the tasks appear on the "My Tasks" page?

You'll always see your tasks on the "My Tasks" page, however, scheduled tasks will only appear 2 weeks before the due date.

You will only ever see one instance of a due task. We will not create the next instance until the current one is completed. This is to ensure you do not get overwhelmed with too many due tasks (w.e.f. 8th August 2023).

Can I create multiple sessions on-demand for the same blueprint to run concurrently?

Yes, you can create multiple sessions on-demand for the same blueprint to run concurrently on multiple tabs of your browser, as long as the accounts selected in each session do not overlap.

In case there is an overlap, tasks will be generated for those accounts in the latest session and will be removed from all previous sessions.

If I add new team members to an existing role, will the existing blueprint tasks assigned to that role, be generated automatically for the new members?

If you add team members to an existing role that has blueprint tasks assigned to it, here's what happens:

  • Tasks for the new team members will not be generated for the current scheduled cycle i.e., any overdue or pending tasks.

  • The system will automatically start generating tasks for them from the next cycle onwards.

However, to make sure tasks are generated for these teammates right away, you'll need to edit the blueprint containing tasks assigned to that role and check the "Replace or remove pending tasks based on the new updated settings" option when saving the blueprint. Read more about it here.

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