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Shopping Campaign Management - FAQs
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 6 months ago

On this page:

Why can't I choose Target ROAS as a bidding strategy when creating a standard shopping campaign?

The option to select the Target ROAS strategy is not available for standard shopping campaigns, as this strategy (and most bidding strategy types except manual CPC) needs to have a certain level of performance data available to work properly. However, you can create Optmyzr Smart Campaigns (Standard Shopping with Target ROAS) using this tool if the merchant center account has enough performance or change the bidding strategy of these shopping campaigns from the Google Ads interface once they get enough performance.

What other dynamic naming formats can be used while creating shopping campaigns, other than "{campaign_name}" and "{ad_group_name}"?

It's not possible to dynamically add any other attribute to the naming convention, at the moment. Only static pieces of text can be added as prefixes or suffixes to the Campaign and the Ad Group naming format.

How do I create automation to resync my Merchant Feed with Optmyzr?

When automation is created in the Shopping Campaign Management tool, it automatically resyncs the feed before updating your campaigns. This makes sure the tool always uses the latest set of products present in your feed, for creating/removing product groups.

Why can’t I change the ad group level hierarchy of an existing ad group using the Shopping Campaign Management tool?

The Shopping Campaign Management tool doesn't change the ad group level hierarchy, as it would be the same as creating new ad groups. We don't change ad group levels because when doing so, you'd lose historical data and start with a fresh new ad group.

If you'd like to create a new ad group or campaign, please refer to the Shopping Campaign Management tool.

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