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Shopping Campaign Management - User Guide

Create Shopping or PMax Retail Campaigns, keep them updated with changes in Merchant Center and Restructure when needed.

Rishabh Singh Jasrotia avatar
Written by Rishabh Singh Jasrotia
Updated over 2 months ago

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With the Shopping Campaign Management tool, you'll be able to create new Shopping and PMax Retail campaigns in just a few easy steps.

It also helps you make sure your campaigns are in sync with the Merchant Center, even allowing you to automate the process to save more time. You can also use the tool to restructure your campaigns if needed.

Getting Started

Create New Campaigns

You can create new campaigns by following the next steps:

  1. Click on the 'Create New Campaign' Button located in the top right corner.

  2. Select the Merchant Feed to associate with the shopping campaigns. Once it's been selected, you have the option to manually resync it to make sure the data is up to date and also see a feed analysis to review all available attributes, amount of variations, and their product coverage.

  3. You can use the 'Product Selection' option to filter out products from the campaigns by creating rules using the attributes available in the feed. For example, exclude a specific brand. You can add multiple conditions if needed.

    ⚠️ Important: This field cannot be edited after the campaigns are launched.

  4. Select the type of Campaigns you'd like to create, choose a feed label, and locations to target in the 'Campaign Type' section.

    You can choose to create Google Ad's Standard Shopping Campaigns or PMax Retail campaigns. Or you can go for Optmyzr Smart Campaigns, which are Standard Shopping Campaigns on Target ROAS bidding.

    Note: Optmyzr Smart Campaigns require a minimum of 15 conversions in the last 30 days for the selected merchant feed.

  5. Once you've selected the campaign type, you can proceed to 'Campaign Structure' where you'll be able to specify if you'd like to -

    a. Create a single campaign
    b. Multiple campaigns by performance or custom rules (Read more)
    c. Multiple campaigns by feed attributes

    and you'll find the option to create single or multiple ad/asset groups. Lastly, you can select at which level you'd like to create the product/listing groups.

    In the example below, you'll see that the tool will create multiple PMax Retail campaigns for each Brand + PT0 combination, asset groups will be created at the Custom Attribute 0 level, and finally, Listing Groups will be at the Item ID level. Making the final structure Brand + Product Type 0 + Custom Attribute 0 + Item Id.

  6. Assets (PMax only) - After having selected a desired structure for your Performance Max Campaign(s), you can proceed to add your assets, if desired, using the 'Assets' section.

    Read more about configuring your assets here.

  7. The 'Campaign Settings' section gives you the option to modify the naming conventions, budgets, and bidding strategy.

    Note: If you choose to create your campaigns using performance metrics (ROAS/ Price) or custom rules, you will not be able to see the 'Budget and Strategy' section. Instead, you will be able to edit Daily Budget, Target ROAS, and Ad Group Bid values using 'Advance Settings' or the 'Performance Bucket' column.

  8. Through the 'Advanced Settings' you'll be able to add Negative Keywords and modify Bids and Budgets for the campaigns you're about to launch.

    Modify Negative Keywords:
    After clicking the "Modify Negative Keywords" button, you'll be able to add negative keywords based on static text or attributes from your feed. This feature helps maintain query-based campaigns or brand and non-branded campaigns.

    To add feed-based negative keywords, simply press '{' and a dropdown will be displayed with a list of available attributes from your merchant feed. The feed-based negative keywords you add here will be automatically updated by the automation process along with ad groups and product groups.

    Modify Bids and Budgets:

    This option will let you preview the number of campaigns that will be created, along with how many ad/asset groups, products, and product/listing groups they'll have. From here, you can modify bids and budgets at the campaign level, and select if you want to create campaigns in a paused or enabled state.

  9. Once you're ready, you can preview the campaigns and then click 'Save and Apply

  10. The last step before Submitting the changes allows you to specify if you'd like to apply the logic once or apply it and refresh it automatically. When selecting the latter, you'll be able to specify the frequency at which it should be refreshed (daily, weekly, or monthly, Days (days of the week or date of the month,) and the Time Slot when it should run.

Manage Campaigns Created outside of Optmyzr

While Optmyzr provides a powerful tool for creating and automating Shopping and PMax Retail campaigns, we also offer functionalities to manage, optimize, and automate campaigns that were created outside of our platform.

On the Shopping Campaigns tab, you will be able to see all of your Shopping and PMax campaigns including the ones that were not created using Optmyzr. To segregate these campaigns from Optmyzr's, the campaigns will be marked with the icon of the platform they were created with.

You can read more about the creation of new ad groups and the restructuring of these campaigns here.

Shopping Campaigns Tab

The Shopping Campaigns tab shows you a list of all shopping and PMax campaigns in your account. By clicking on its name, you'll be able to see more details, such as campaign type, and number of campaigns in the group along with their names, status (green for enabled and red for paused), and their structure. You can also find the Merchant Feed ID in the right corner.

The 'View More Details' option will open a side tray where you'll be able to see the list of campaigns in the group along with their status and performance data for the last 30 days.

Learn more about refreshing your product/ listing groups and syncing your campaigns with the merchant feed here.

Edit Campaign Structure and Details

You'll be able to restructure the campaigns and modify the level at which Product Groups are created. This will not change the Ad Group Hierarchy.

Edit Campaigns Created Outside of Optmyzr:

You have the flexibility to create and add new ad groups to your campaigns or replace all existing ad groups with a fresh structure based on your specific needs.

To edit the structure of a campaign, click on the 'Select Campaign Structure' button present on the settings page of the campaign.

Restructuring the campaign gives you two options to choose from, either create new ad groups or modify the existing ones.

  • Choosing to modify your already existing ad groups will allow you to classify your Product Group hierarchy further.

  • You can choose to create single or multiple ad groups with the 'Create New Ad Groups' option selected. Choose your desired Ad Group and Product Group hierarchy and click on 'Save' to proceed.

    You can use the Ad Group Summary option to view the newly created ad group(s) and change their default bids. You can also change the prefix of the ad group name from the option present on the top left.

    Proceed to the Preview page to see the new structure of your campaign in a detailed manner. You'll be able to edit the bids and ad group prefixes from here as well. Click on 'Save and Apply' once ready.

    To create new ad groups without overwriting the existing ones, you will need to use the same split and prefix for the ad group name. This will ensure that the system won't override an ad group if one with the same name already exists.

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