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Google Analytics 4 - Chart Widgets
Rishabh Singh Jasrotia avatar
Written by Rishabh Singh Jasrotia
Updated over a week ago

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The chart widgets are powerful visualizations that help in conveying and understanding data more effectively. These are used to study insights, trends, and patterns. Use our different charts widgets such as - Metric Comparison, Distribution by Dimension, or Instant Charts to report on different aspects of your GA4 properties.

Metric Comparison Chart

Compare two metrics side-by-side and study their relationship, pattern, and variation during a specific time period. For example, if you’ve launched several marketing campaigns in the last month and want to analyze their impact, you can select new users and engagement metrics to look for some positive trends.

In widget settings, you can select two metrics for comparison and the frequency for which you want to view trends - daily, weekly, or monthly.

Along, with this you can also choose to view this data in a table to get specific numbers by using the ‘Show table’ option.

Distribution by Dimension

Check how the performance of a metric is distributed across different segments of a particular spectrum. Check how each segment value contributes to your overall traffic, conversions, etc., for your website or app. This analysis can provide valuable insights into user behavior, traffic sources, geographic patterns, device usage, and more.

In widget settings, select the required metric and the dimension for which you wish to see the distribution. For example, select "Users" and "Country" as Metric and Dimension respectively to see where most of your users are coming from.

Comparative Time Analysis

The GA4 Comparative Time Analysis widget allows you to compare a metric's performance between two date ranges making it easier for you to analyze their trends over the different time periods. Choose your desired GA4 property metric and the comparison period from the widget settings.

For instance, you can do a year-over-year analysis and record how the performance has changed with respect to the changes you made to your marketing strategies.

Dimension Trend

The Dimension Trend widget for GA4 allows you to easily track how various values within a specific dimension (also known as a segment) are changing over time. This will help you identify new trends that have recently emerged or declined within specific segments with ease.

Here's how it works:

  1. Choose a metric and a dimension you want to analyze in the widget.

  2. Customize the visualization frequency—daily, weekly, or monthly—to match your segmentation and date range needs.

For example, you can monitor the locations that are generating new users or track the performance trends of different age groups. This widget offers a range of dimensions to select from, such as user interests, devices, or your specific conversion events.

Instant Charts

We have built some pre-configured charts for you to get started quickly. These charts offer insights on multiple essential analysis areas and, will also help answer your questions, like - "On which device do most of our user sessions occur?" However, these charts cannot be edited or customized futher.

Check out these chart templates:

  • Sessions by Browser

  • Users by Country

  • Sessions by Devices

  • Sessions by Default channel group

  • Bounce rate by Session Source/Medium

  • Bounce rate by Landing page

  • Views by Page title and Screen class

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