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How to update the domain to host Optmyzr's white-labeled dashboard

How to Create a CNAME Record For Your Domain

Julie Porteils avatar
Written by Julie Porteils
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up a CNAME for the custom domain of your Shareable Dashboard. You can read more about it here.

Setting up a CNAME (Canonical Name) record is a common process that follows similar steps across various DNS providers. Here are the general steps that apply to all providers:

  1. Log in to Your DNS Provider's Control Panel: Access your DNS provider's website and log in to your account.

  2. Locate DNS Settings: Once logged in, look for the DNS or DNS Management section within your account. It may be labeled as "DNS Settings," "DNS Records," or something similar.

  3. Add a New DNS Record: In the DNS Management section, there should be an option to add a new DNS record. This is where you'll create the CNAME record.

  4. Select CNAME Record Type: Choose the type of record you want to create, which is CNAME (Canonical Name).

  5. Provide CNAME Details: You will typically need to enter the following information:

    • Alias or Host: This is the subdomain or alias you want to set up. You want to fill this field with the custom subdomain that you want to set up. (For example, '')

    • Points to or Value: Enter the domain or hostname to which your CNAME will redirect. It is mandatory to populate this field with '' (without inverted commas) as the value. This is the destination where the alias (custom subdomain) will resolve.

  6. Set TTL (Time to Live) Value (Optional): You may have the option to specify a TTL value. TTL determines how long DNS resolvers should cache this record before checking for updates. You can usually leave this as the default or follow any specific recommendations from your provider.

  7. Save the Record: After filling in the required details, look for a "Save," "Create Record," or similar button to save the CNAME record.

  8. Confirm the CNAME Setup: It may take some time for DNS changes to propagate across the internet. You can use online DNS lookup tools to confirm that your CNAME record has been set up correctly and is resolving to the desired destination.

  9. Test Your CNAME: Ensure that your CNAME is working as expected by accessing the subdomain you created (e.g., "") in your browser.

These steps should work for setting up a CNAME record with most DNS providers. However, keep in mind that the specific interface and terminology may vary slightly from one provider to another. If you encounter any difficulties, consult your provider's documentation or customer support for assistance.

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