Shareable Dashboards - User Guide
Maria Salazar avatar
Written by Maria Salazar
Updated over a week ago

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What is it?

Optmyzr's Shareable Dashboards is a live view of the Account Dashboard that can be shared externally as a link with clients or stakeholders.

You can access this feature directly through each account's Account Dashboard by clicking on the share icon or through the Shareable Account Dashboards page, where you'll be able to create and manage all your shared dashboards.

You can also find Shareable Dashboard listed as a tool under the Utility Tools section in the menu.

Basic Settings

  1. Internal name and notes: The 'Dashboard Name for the team' and 'Notes for the team' fields provide you with the option to assign the dashboard an internal name and leave notes for your team members. These additional details are optional and will only be viewable within Optmyzr. They are meant for your internal tracking purposes.

  2. Title and description for Stakeholders: this will be the header and subheader displayed in the dashboard when clients and stakeholders access it.

  3. Select the account(s) you'd like to include in the dashboard: by clicking on the edit icon, you'll see a list of all ad accounts connected to your Optmyzr account divided by platform. You can select all relevant accounts across platforms.

    Note: when starting the setup directly from the Account Dashboard, this field will be pre-filled with that account. You can change the account selection if needed, or add additional accounts as well.

  4. Dashboard shared externally with: Add the email addresses you'd like to have access to the dashboard.

  5. Widgets to add: Select which widgets you'd like to include in the Dashboard. The Performance Metrics widget is grayed out and will be added by default, while all other widgets are optional and you can choose to include or remove them. You can learn more about each widget here.​

    Note: Some platform-specific widgets for Facebook and Amazon might not appear in the list. However, if you choose to add a Facebook or Amazon account to the dashboard, these widgets will be automatically included. You can read more about the dashboard widgets here.

  6. Specify a date range and view for the dashboard: select a date range and view from the drop-down menus. By default, the dashboard will load with this selection but these will be easily modifiable while navigating the dashboard if needed.

The 'This Month Until Yesterday' date range allows you to view the data of the current month, excluding 'Today' from the analysis. This option is provided because the data for the current day might be inaccurate or incomplete. If you wish to include today's data, you can use the 'This Month' date range.

Once you are done configuring the basic settings, click 'Next' to move on to the White Label Settings section.

White Label Settings

Through the White Label Settings section, you'll be able to:

  • Add your Company's and Clients' logo for further customization of the dashboard,

  • and have the ability to set up a Custom Domain for the dashboard and reports

White labeling the dashboards, audits, and pre-built reports by setting up a Custom domain and adding logos will allow you to create a personalized PPC experience for your clients and stakeholders.

The 'Preferred Subdomain' column allows you to choose between the standard Optmyzr branded domain ( or an advanced custom option to set your own domain for the dashboard.

Please note that the custom domain feature is only available for Pro subscription plans of Optmyzr or above. Contact our support team at to upgrade and unlock this feature.

If you wish to set up a custom domain, ensure you have access to a DNS service where your domain is hosted. You can read the detailed step-by-step process to configure a domain for your shareable dashboards here.

You can only set up one custom domain for all of your shareable dashboards across your Optmyzr account, and modifications to the domain are not possible once configured.

Once you've finished setting up the dashboard, you can click next to review access credentials and send out invitations.

Access Credentials

The access credentials tab will show you:

  • Date and time of creation

  • Original Optmyzr link for the dashboard

  • Custom White-labeled link (if configured)

  • List of all e-mail addresses it will be shared with, along with their access key.

Preview the dashboard and send invitations: once you've previewed the dashboard, you'll be able to send out invitations. Each person will receive an email with their access credentials and the link to the dashboard.

When previewing your Shareable Dashboard using either the 'Eye' icon or the 'Preview' button, the dashboard will open with the URL '' (Optmyzr branded link) even if you have set up a custom domain.

To check how the dashboard will load for a client (i.e. with your custom domain), use the URL provided under the 'White-labelled Link' option and log in with the correct credentials.

Manage Shared Dashboards

The Shareable Account Dashboards page will show you a list of all dashboards that have been created and shared by your team. Here, you'll be able to preview the dashboards and modify settings, such as widgets or accounts included, as well as remove or add more access credentials.

Through the hamburger menu, you'll be able to easily get the dashboard's link, view and copy access keys, and delete the dashboard if needed.

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