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Optmyzr Budget Tools: When to Use Them
Optmyzr Budget Tools: When to Use Them

Discover the ideal situations to leverage each one of Optmyzr's budget tools.

Juan Carlos avatar
Written by Juan Carlos
Updated over a week ago

Optmyzr offers a diverse set of powerful budget management tools. In this guide, we'll help you understand when to use each of them.

Use Case Overview

When to Use

Multi-Account Tools

Optimize Budgets - Multi Account Portfolio

When to Use:

  • You manage accounts on various platforms (Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Facebook)

  • Centralized daily budget management. It provides a dashboard where you can conveniently update your budgets without switching between different pages or platforms.

  • Receive goal-based recommendations for budget reallocation. For instance, you can use this tool to get suggestions on how to allocate your budget based on your goals, such as optimizing clicks, conversions, or conversion value.

This tool also allows you to monitor spend and optionally pause things when they overspend with the integration to Multi-Account Budget Alerts.

Multi-Account Budget Alerts

When to Use:

  • You manage accounts on various platforms (Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Facebook)

  • Monitor your entire account, portfolio, or budget group aggregate spend (e.g. receive notifications when the cost exceeds the monthly target budget, or reaches a certain % of spend)

  • Automatically pause campaigns in a budget group when they reach their spend goal.

The "Optimize Budgets - Multi Account Portfolio" and "Multi-Account Budget Alerts" features are integrated tools but can be utilized separately to meet distinct requirements. You have the option to set up budget alerts without accessing the "Optimize Budgets" tool, and you can optimize budgets without setting up "Multi-Account Budget Alerts"

Single Account Tools

Optimize Budgets - Single Platform

When to Use:

  • You want daily budget reallocation ideas based on performance or goals like optimizing clicks, conversions, or conversion value.

  • Make informed decisions about budget adjustments. It offers valuable insights, such as projected spend, current pacing, and average required daily spend.

  • Quickly update your account's budgets. If you need to quickly adjust your daily budgets, this tool simplifies the process by letting you update them all from one place.

  • Simulate budget changes and their impact on performance. You can use it to model how adjustments to your daily budgets might affect your projected spend and campaign performance.

Single Account Monthly Budget Alerts

When to Use:

  • You want to easily monitor your accounts' monthly budget pacing. For example, if you have a monthly budget of $5,000, this tool helps you see if your spending is keeping pace with this target.

  • You want to receive receive notifications if your account's spending is too slow or too fast during the month.

Spend Projection

When to Use:

  • You need insights into how much your account, campaign, or shared budget is likely to spend over a specified period. For example, if you're planning your monthly budgets, this tool can provide forecasts using historical data.

  • Planning budgets for a month, quarter, or year. You can use it to see how your budget allocation aligns with your quarterly goals.

  • Identify peak spending days. This tool helps you pinpoint the specific days when your budget will be utilized the most.

Rule Engine for Budgets

When to Use:

  • You want to adjust budgets based on specific conditions using logical if/then rules. For example, you can set rules like "if campaign A's monthly budget pacing is over 140%, then adjust the budget."

  • Monitor monthly budget pacing for different campaigns or shared budgets. In addition to budget adjustments, you can use the Rule Engine to monitor budget pacing.

  • Automate budget changes via Google Sheet integration. If you work with spreadsheets to manage budgets, you can connect them to the Rule Engine and push changes easily.


Pause When Things Spend Too Much (Flexible Budgets)

When to Use:

  • When you want to enforce strict spending limits or set guardrails for automated campaigns. For example, if you want to ensure a particular campaign never exceeds a daily spend of $100, this script can help.

  • Monitor spending on various periods (daily, weekly, monthly, and fixed custom date ranges). It offers flexibility to control spending at different time intervals.

  • Define multiple layers of control. This script can monitor accounts, campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads. This means you can create multiple settings to control spending at various levels simultaneously. For example, control the campaign's monthly spend, while also controlling an ad group's weekly spend.

  • Get notified when the defined spend limit for an entity has been reached so you can take action.

  • When you want to pause overspending entities. As its name says, you also set this script to pause things as soon as they hit their spending limit and automatically resume them in the next budget period. For example, if a keyword's daily budget is $100, it will be paused when it reaches that limit and reactivated the next day.

  • You have a big portfolio of accounts or campaigns that you’d like to control from a spreadsheet: This script lets you centralize all your settings in one Google Sheet document, this way if you need to quickly update your spending limits and other settings, you can do it from one place.

Reach Target Monthly Spend

When to Use:

  • You have a monthly spending goal. For example, if you have a target of spending $10,000 per month, this script can help you distribute your daily budget to get you as close as possible to your goal.

  • Need to update campaign daily budgets frequently but lack the time to do so manually.

  • When you want to automate budget pacing based on past performance.

  • Automatically distribute a monthly budget evenly or with increases on high-potential days. This script can help you evenly distribute your budget or allocate more on days when performance is historically strong.

  • Front-load or back-load your monthly budgets. You can set your budgets to be spent more heavily at the beginning or end of the month.

Continue learning about our tools for budgets

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