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Campaign Automator for Microsoft Ads - User Guide
Campaign Automator for Microsoft Ads - User Guide
Anusha Harikumar avatar
Written by Anusha Harikumar
Updated over 5 months ago

Table of Contents:

Setting It Up

Creating a Campaign Template

Click 'Create New Template'. Here, you can either create your own campaign template or copy one from the same account or another account.

Data Source

The first step is to connect a data source and set a name for your template. This template can be reused as many times as needed. You can use data from a Google Spreadsheet, Merchant Feed (Google Merchant Center), CSV files from a link, or XML files.

Note: If you're using a spreadsheet, ensure you share access with so the Campaign Automator can access the data.

In the “Source Data Feed” tab, you can add details for the campaign buildout, such as the name and spreadsheet URL.

Inventory Filters

This is where you'll specify how to handle the data in your data source. Inventory conditions or rules determine which data from the feed you want to use for building campaigns and ad groups.

Campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads will be automatically paused if their products don’t meet the inventory conditions or are removed from the feed.

For example, if your template’s inventory setting excludes the country 'Argentina' and needs the stock to be greater than 0, the tool will process only the rows in the feed where the country does not contain 'Argentina' and the stock is greater than 0.

It will then apply the templates for campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords to this data. If your setup is to include one ad group per product in the feed, it will create an ad group for each product with the corresponding ads and keyword templates. If a product's stock later drops to 0, the tool will pause the related ad groups.

Modified Data Columns

Modified Data Columns allow you to pre-process data from your feed and use it in keywords and templates. These columns are created as new virtual columns based on existing information in your data feed.

For example, if you want to use the 'Brand' column in your ad template but need the first letter capitalized, you can create a modified data column to achieve this.

For more information, read this article.

Campaign Setup

You can set up campaigns either by starting from scratch (creating a new campaign) or by using attributes from an existing campaign.

Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad Labels

You can use dynamic insertion to create labels based on attributes in the source, such as Brand, Product Type, etc. For example, if your feed includes 10 brands and you set up dynamic insertion for brand labels, the tool will create 10 campaign labels, one for each brand, when it runs.

Campaign Attributes

In this step, you'll need to set up the campaign attributes that the tool will use to create your campaigns.

Campaign Type

The following campaign types are supported:

  • Search Ads

  • Audience Ads (Display) (doesn’t support adding keywords)

  • Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs)

Note: Target CPA is not supported for Search Campaigns with the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy.

Configure Budget

Here, specify whether the budget is individual or shared and enter the budget amount. Please note that the minimum budget amount should be ≥ $0.06.

Target or Exclude Locations

Enter the location IDs you want to target or exclude, or choose to target by radius. The available location targeting options are:

  • People In Or Searching For Or Viewing Pages: Show ads to people searching for or viewing pages about your targeted location.

  • People In: Show ads to people in your targeted location.


Select the languages supported. This is a mandatory field.


Only In-Marketing Audiences are supported here.

Choose the Bidding Strategy

The following bid strategies are supported:

  • Manual CPC

  • Maximize Conversions

  • Maximize Clicks

  • Maximize Conversion Value

  • Portfolio Strategy

Campaign Assets

You can also set up the following campaign assets using dynamic insertion to utilize information from the source: Sitelink Assets, Callout Assets, Price Assets, and Call Assets.

Note that Microsoft Ads supports duplicate extensions.

Ad Group Setup

When creating ad groups, you can add multiple ad group templates. Within each template, you can include multiple keywords, negative keywords, ads, and ad extension templates.

Note: The minimum CPC while setting bids at this stage should be ≥0.06.


Here, you can add Final URLs for keywords during keyword creation (optional). These URLs can be dynamically generated from the source file's headers or manually inputted. This option is available both when creating new keywords and when modifying existing ones in the template.


Supported ad types:

  • Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)

  • Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs)

  • Responsive Display Ads

Note: Image and Multimedia Ads aren’t supported yet, write to if you have any questions.

Automating the Template

Once you're satisfied with the campaign, ad group, and ad setup, click “Save and Preview.” This will display a list of all the campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords that will be created when the tool is run. To automate the process and ensure the tool automatically updates campaigns based on changes in the source, set it to run daily, weekly, or monthly. And that's it!

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