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Optimizations in Optmyzr Express
Optimizations in Optmyzr Express

List of all possible optimizations of Optmyzr Express.

Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over 8 months ago

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Ad Suggestions

Add Missing Ads (RSA)

This optimization helps you find such ad groups without any active RSAs. You'll see the Ad creation window, where you'll be able to write assets for your new RSA from scratch, or you can use Top Suggestion, coming from high-performing ad components from existing ETAs and RSAs in the same ad group, and also access a wider range of suggestions from the Open AI.

You can also choose to add suggestions from the top-performing search queries and keywords.

Fix Ads with Issues (RSA)

This optimization will show you those RSAs with Poor Ad strength and contain only a few headlines and description assets. The idea is to help fix them so that they perform better. Once you click "Edit Ad", you'll see the Ad editing window, where you can edit the RSA assets with the provided ideas in the form of Top Existing Suggestions, Open AI suggestions, Top Keywords, and Search Queries.

Pause Low Performing RSAs

See suggestions for RSAs in an ad group that is not performing well compared to other RSAs in the same ad group. This will allow you to pause the losing RSA and that will ensure the winning RSA gets more traffic. This proactive way of managing your RSAs can improve the overall effectiveness of your ad group.

Pause Low Performing Ads

See suggestions for ETAs or Dynamic Ads in an ad group that is not performing well compared to other ads in the same ad group. This will allow you to pause the losing ads and that will ensure the winning ones get more traffic. You can use the AB Testing tool to customize settings and test more ads.


Audience Suggestions

PMax Asset Groups with no Audience Signal

PMax campaigns use audience signals as the starting point to reach the right audience, so adding them to asset groups helps users give direction to the targeting.

This optimization finds the PMax asset groups without any audience signal and lets you add an existing audience signal from the account or help create a new one. While creating a new audience signal, we provide 2 options to use custom segments - you can choose to add people with any of the interests or purchase intentions already defined in Google Ads from the drop-down or choose to add top-performing search queries at the account level or add any other search queries manually.

Automated Bidding Suggestions

Create an Experiment to test Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy

This optimization suggests creating an experiment for a campaign to run on an automated bidding strategy - Maximize Conversions. The campaign in consideration is currently running on manual bidding (manual CPC), and the optimization recommends testing smart bidding strategies like Maximize Conversions using time-limited experiments. This will allow you to measure the performance of the new strategy against the current manual bidding strategy and help you understand if the new strategy is performing better or not.

Create an Experiment to test Target CPA bidding

This optimization suggests creating an experiment for a campaign to run on an automated bidding strategy - Maximize Conversions with Target CPA. The campaign in consideration is currently running on manual bidding, and the optimization recommends testing smart bidding strategies like Target CPA using time-limited experiments. This will allow you to measure the performance of the new strategy against the current manual bidding strategy and help you understand if the new strategy is performing better or not.

Create an Experiment to test Target ROAS bidding

This optimization suggests creating an experiment for a campaign to run on an automated bidding strategy - Maximize Conversion Value with Target ROAS. The campaign in consideration is currently running on manual bidding, and the optimization recommends testing smart bidding strategies like Target ROAS using time-limited experiments. This will allow you to measure the performance of the new strategy against the current manual bidding strategy and help you understand if the new strategy is performing better or not.

Increase Impression Share - Converting Target CPA Ad Group

This optimization finds the converting ad groups that are losing out on impression share due to low Ad Rank. As increasing Target CPA helps Google Ads bid higher in auctions and thus capture more impression share, this optimization helps you modify the current Target CPA of such ad groups. The idea is to help increase the reach of your converting ads to more audiences.

Increase Impression Share - Converting Target ROAS Ad Group

This optimization finds the converting ad groups that are losing out on impression share due to low Ad Rank. As decreasing Target ROAS helps Google Ads bid higher in auctions and thus capture more impression share, this optimization helps you modify the current Target ROAS of such ad groups. The idea is to help increase the reach of your converting ads to more audiences.

Bid Suggestions

Gender Bid Adjustments

Get valuable insights on how the different genders targeted in your ad groups are performing, and improve their sales and ROAS by bidding higher or lower on them.

This task in Optmyzr Express shows you when there is a significant difference in CTR among different genders. When you hover over each gender, you'll see the reasons why that bid adjustment was recommended.

The recommended bid adjustment field can be edited before applying changes.

Age Range Bid Adjustments

With the Age Range bid adjustment task, you can see how the different age groups are performing and improve their sales and ROAS by bidding higher or lower on them.

This task in Optmyzr Express shows you when there is a significant difference in CTR among different age ranges. When you hover over each age range, you'll see the reasons why that bid adjustment was recommended.

The recommended bid adjustment field can be edited before applying changes.

More Traffic for Converting Keywords

Improve the impression share of converting keywords that are currently losing impressions due to bids. The keywords in this optimization are converting but are losing impression share due to ad rank. The system recommends increasing the bids to get more impressions, as that will give them a chance to drive more conversions.

More Traffic for Converting Products

You'll see here the product groups that are currently losing impression share due to bid and which could benefit from a slight bid increase. You can hover over the product group to see the details of why the suggestion was made, as well as edit the new suggested bid.

Push Keywords to First Page

Make small adjustments to bids to help get your keywords to the first page. The keywords for which a bid increase is recommended are those that have a good Quality Score and that only need a slight increase in a bid to get to the first page. By default, the system will display the current bid and the suggested bid.

Budget Suggestions

Budget Suggestions from Google

Google recommends increasing budgets so they can show your ads to more people. We analyze these suggestions and calculate the predicted changes in cost, conversions, and cost/conv. to help you make a decision. You can read more about Google Recommendations in Optmyzr Express here.

Fix Impression Share Lost Due To Budget - Campaign Budget

This optimization helps identify those campaigns that are bringing in conversions but currently losing out on impression share due to budget constraints. Increasing the budget for campaigns losing impression share due to budgets can capture more impressions. This optimization helps you modify the current campaign budget.

Fix Impression Share Lost Due To Budget - Shared Budget

This optimization helps identify those campaigns that are bringing in conversions but currently losing out on impression share due to budget constraints. These campaigns are part of a shared budget. Increasing the budget for campaigns losing impression share due to budgets can capture more impressions. This optimization helps you modify the current shared budget.

Keyword Suggestions

Add New Keywords

Add relevant queries to your account and manage the bids, as well as the ad copy, more closely. The search terms that are recommended to be added as keywords are not present as keywords in your account and are performing well. You can also choose to add them as a different match type.

Enable Converting Keywords

This optimization gives you a list of those keywords that have had conversions in the last 120 days but have been removed now. These keywords may have been removed as part of the ‘Remove Redundant Keywords’ auto recommendation by Google Ads. You can review and re-enable the keywords that were performing well quickly.

Note: Using the deep link on the interface, you can directly go to the Google Ads interface, where you can view and update all the active auto recommendations.

Fix Conflicting Negative Keywords

When a negative keyword conflicts with a positive one, it may reduce relevant ad impressions. You can resolve these conflicts by removing either the positive or negative keywords.

This optimization gives you a curated list of such conflicting negative keywords (along with the corresponding positive keyword) present at the ad group, campaign, and even account levels. You get the option to either pause the positive keyword or remove the negative keyword.

Keyword Suggestions by Google

The Google recommendations within the Optmyzr Express tool are suggestions made by Google, which are analyzed by our system to show you the best and most useful ones. These suggestions are run every day. You can read more about Google Recommendations in Optmyzr Express here.

Use Broad Match Keywords

This optimization provides a list of keywords with low traffic in exact and phrase matches. Changing the match type of these keywords to broad will target a broader range of relevant search terms, reaching more potential customers. You can quickly review and update the match types of these keywords using this optimization.

Note: The current keywords with phrase or exact match type, receiving less than 10 impressions in the last 30 days, will be paused. New keywords will be created with the broad match type.

Placement Suggestions

Exclude low-performing placements - Campaign level

This is a set of optimizations that can help you quickly identify placements that are costing you a considerable amount of money but are not bringing in any conversions. As these placements result in wasted spend, excluding them will save you money. You can exclude this for 4 different types of placements: Website, Mobile application, YouTube video, and YouTube channel.

Exclude low-performing placements for Performance Max - Account Level

This is a set of optimizations that can help you quickly identify placements in your account that are costing you a considerable amount of money but are not bringing in any conversions. As these placements result in wasted spend, excluding them will save you money. These exclusions are at the account level and apply to your PMax campaigns (where placement exclusions at the campaign level are not allowed by Google Ads). You can exclude this for 4 different types of placements: Website, Mobile application, YouTube video, and YouTube channel.

Merchant Feed Suggestions

Fix Products with empty:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Price

  • Link

  • Image Link

  • Brand

Optmyzr Express will display individual optimization suggestions for all of the aforementioned attributes that do not have any values associated with them. You will have the option to enter values and apply these changes to a supplemental feed, allowing you to address empty attributes from a single, convenient location.

Read more about setting up a supplemental feed for Optmyzr Express here.

Other Suggestions

Add Missing Sitelink Assets

This optimization helps find a list of campaigns with no Sitelink assets added to them. Sitelink assets show relevant additional links with your ads. Sitelink assets can boost your ad's click-through rate and improve searchers' experience. Adding them will make your ads more relevant to potential customers. You can use this optimization to quickly add multiple Sitelink assets to these campaigns.

Expand Your Reach with Search Partners

This optimization finds a list of campaigns that have recorded high impression share and still have a considerable amount of unused budget. Furthermore, it allows you to quickly opt such campaigns in for the search partner network which can help your ads show up on partner sites to people with relevant interests. The optimization also takes into account that no significant changes were made to your campaign (in terms of budget) in the last 30 days.

Microsoft-only Suggestions

Opt-out of Auto-apply recommendations

This optimization feature is designed to identify the auto-apply recommendations that are currently enabled in your Microsoft Ads account and offers you the option to disable them.

Auto-apply recommendations can automatically make changes to your accounts once the review period expires. If there are specific recommendations for which you prefer more control, you can choose to disable auto-apply. By doing so, these recommendations won't be automatically applied, but they will still be generated. You can manually review and apply them to your Microsoft Ads account as needed. Read more about auto-apply recommendations here.

Microsoft ads give you a period of 7 days to review the recommendations. If no action is taken within this time frame, the recommendations are automatically applied. The following recommendations will be shown in the Express Optimization if enabled:

1. Fix your conversion goal setting

2. Create a Conversion goal

3. Remove negative keyword conflicts

4. Add multimedia ads

5. Add responsive search ads

However, the recommendation to "Fix the missing keyword parameters issue" is not available through the Microsoft Ads API. Therefore, its status cannot be highlighted in the Express Optimization, and you'll need to address this recommendation directly within your Microsoft Ads account. The steps to do so are highlighted below.

Disable the 'Fix Missing Keyword Parameter Issue' auto-apply recommendation

  1. Login to your Microsoft Ads Account on

  2. Go to the Recommendations tab listed on the left menu.

  3. Click on the 'Lightning' icon present on the top right to open and configure the 'Auto-apply Recommendation settings'

  4. Uncheck the 'Fix missing keyword parameters issue' option present under the 'Repairs' section and save the settings.

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