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Spend Projection Widget
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over a week ago

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What is it?

The Spend Projection widget is available for Google Ads and Microsoft Ads accounts in both single and multi-account reports. It can be found under the Insights section of the new Reports designer.

How does it work?

To get started on the reports, you can refer to this help article.

Account Selector

The account selector will show all accounts previously added to the report selectors. For the selected account(s), the widget will automatically include all of their campaigns.

Budget Selector

The budget selector will show all active budgets. Selecting the "include paused budgets" option will include all the active, paused, or removed budgets in the dropdown.

Date Range Selector

The date range selector will show all date ranges previously selected on the report selectors. You can use it with whatever date range you want to see the projection for.

Chart Type: Cumulative

See an estimate of how much the PPC campaigns will spend by the end of the selected date range.

Projected Expected

This shows the expected spend the account will have by the end of the date range.

Projected Max

Represents the upper spend limit.

Projected Min

Represents the lower spend limit.


See your daily spend projection, which shows the pattern of your spending across the week. You'll see the expected spend, expected min. spend and an expected max. spend for every day.

Use Preset Target Value

This feature uses the budget configured in the All Accounts Dashboard. This can be unselected to give a custom value.

Optional Data

Shows project spend and spend till data and budget pacing status. You can also change the pacing status tag manually using the checkbox.

Read More

You can read more about the Spend Projection tool here.

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