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Table Widgets
Geetanjali Tyagi avatar
Written by Geetanjali Tyagi
Updated over a week ago

On this page:

The Table widgets contain different types of widgets that let you report on key performance metrics in an easy-to-read tabular format. You can report on the performance of campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ads, and more.

Use Cases

  • Compare the performance of key metrics over two date ranges. For example, in a monthly report, you can check if an account's performance last month improved over the month before that.

  • Report on different click types and ad extensions to find optimization opportunities.

  • Find top-performing campaigns/ad groups/keywords by traffic or conversions.

Identify keywords, ads, and placements for optimization opportunities

How to Use it

Launch Report Designer 

From your account dashboard, select 'Reporting' to launch Report Designer. Once you've started a new template, click on the 'Add Widget' button on the left panel and select 'Tables' to see the full list of table widgets.

Common settings in table widgets

  • Choose to sort by impressions, clicks, cost, conversions, etc.

  • Specify the number of rows to display 

  • Select the metric columns to show in the table

  • Select the level at which you want to report (account/campaigns)

  • Choose the date range from the selected date range and account picker in the selector widgets

Account/campaign level performance

Key Performance Indicators

Report on absolute numbers or compare key metrics at account/label/campaign level over two date ranges. You can report on the performance of these key metrics for specific devices and network combinations. For example, you can get insights on how performance on Google search on mobile phones changed.

Results Preview: 

Top Performers

Report on the top-performing assets of your account or campaign such as Top Keywords, Top Campaigns, Top Products & Listing Groups, and much more. Read more about this widget here.

Performance Summary 

Review overall performance for a particular date range at the account or campaign level. Custom conversions are supported in this widget.

Results Preview: 

Spreadsheet Data Import

The Spreadsheet Data Import widget allows you to pull data from a Google spreadsheet and include it as a table in your report. Read more about it here.

Performance by Platform and Optmyzr Labels

Report on the performance of multiple campaigns together by using labels. By default, the widget will show data for all campaign-level labels in the Google Ads account. You can filter data by using the 'Label Name Contains' field. For example, if you enter 'Brand' in this field, the table will show data for all labels that contain the word 'brand' in them.

Results Preview:

Performance by Time Period

Report on the performance of your account/campaigns for a selected date range. Break down the data by day, week, or month. For example, if you're reporting on performance for the last six months, break it down by month on the table. Custom conversions are supported in this widget.

 Results Preview:

Segment Performance

Report the performance of accounts/campaigns on devices or networks for a selected date range. This helps compare performance on different devices and networks in a single table.

Results Preview:

Performance by Demographics

Segment your account or campaign data by different demographics such as Age and Gender. Get an idea about the audience your ads are targeting.

Report on Conversion Actions*

Conversion Types

This widget lets you report on the different types of conversions (signups, leads, sales) that are being tracked in the Google Ads account. It lets you report on Conversion Type or Conversion Category. 

  • Conversion Type shows conversions that you've defined and named in the Google Ads account.

  • Conversion Category shows the pre-defined conversion type categories in Google Ads such as purchase, sale, signup, lead, etc.

Results Preview: 

Report on Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions

Report on the performance of ad extensions such as site links, locations, calls, app extensions, and more.

Results Preview:

Click Types*

This widget lets you report on types of clicks and their performance. These are clicks that different parts of an ad like headlines, site links, driving directions, phone calls, etc. receive. This helps identify the part of the ad that is driving traffic and conversions and helps improve the non-performing elements of ads.

Results Preview

Report on Optimization History & Analysis

Account Management and Optimization History*

Include a summary of changes made through Optmyzr in your reports. You can include details like how many new keywords were added, how many bids were changed, and how many ad schedules were created. This widget also lets you show how much data you analyzed.

Results Preview:

*Widget not compatible with Microsoft Reporting.

Change History (Google Ads)

Report on status changes for the account, ads, audience, budgets, keywords, network, placements, and targeting, on an individual basis. Read more about it here.

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