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All Accounts Dashboard - User Guide

User Guide for the new interface of the All Accounts Dashboard

Rishabh Singh Jasrotia avatar
Written by Rishabh Singh Jasrotia
Updated over a week ago

On this page:

What is it?

The All Accounts Dashboard makes it easier to monitor and manage your Ads accounts. You can visualize performance data for your Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads, and Amazon Ads in one place to analyze performance and find optimization opportunities.

We've listed some of the dashboard's top features below:

Account Settings

You can edit information for a particular account directly from the All Accounts Dashboard. You'll find the option to Edit Account Details by clicking on the three-dot menu at the end of each row. This will open the Optimization Side Tray allowing you to edit Account Info, Budget Info, add Additional Conversion Columns, etc.

You can read more about the Optimization Side Tray here.

Additional Features

Customized View

The All Accounts Dashboard will show a default selection for date ranges, metric columns, accounts, networks, and devices. You can filter out the selection at any given time, however, if you want to create your own default view to show when you access the All Accounts Dashboard, you can customize the dashboard and save the view as default.

For the Custom View, you can set out any combination of devices, networks, accounts, metric columns, and date ranges.

You can create and save a custom view as default through the 'Save Current View' option and toggling the 'Set this as my default view' check in the side tray. Below you'll find more details on the different customizations available:

Scope: Include all linked accounts, break them down by Ad Platform, or only include Starred accounts.

Date Range: Select a pre-set date range from the list or specify a custom one.

Compare with: Compare performance data with a different period to better analyze fluctuations. You can use a pre-set period from the list or choose a custom one.

When you choose to compare any date range to the previous period, the system considers the exact same number of days just before the selected current date range.

For example, if today was June 24th, and you take the last 7 days from today to compare to the previous period, then you’d be comparing the week from 18th to 24th to the week from 11th to 17th.

If you choose a custom date, then it won't be dynamically updated and will remain static.

If you wish to see the account suggestions count, you will need to set Compare with None, otherwise, you will see NA on your All Accounts Dashboard.

Filters: helps you filter by the account owner, as well as networks and devices. The number displayed over the filter button serves as an indicator of whether you have applied filters for each type, including Devices, Networks, and whether you've selected an Account Owner.

The count will increment by one (up to a maximum of 3) when you apply any number of filters for each type. For instance, the count will increase by one even if you choose not to include more than one device type under the Devices category.

At the moment, filtering by network and devices is only available for Google Ads and Microsoft Ads accounts.

Column Selection: select which metrics and attributes you'd like to include in the table. Here you'll also find any custom conversions you've set up through the account details.

Column Order: you can drag and drop columns to modify the order in which they show up on the table.

Sorting: Read more about it here.

Saving multiple views of the All Accounts Dashboard

Create, edit, and delete multiple custom views at both the individual and team levels to get dashboard insights tailored to your needs.

While saving the 'Current view as default', the system will open up a side tray with all the associated filters and display setting details. You can check the settings, add a name for the view, and select the level at which you’d like to save the view (for 'Me' or 'My team').

If there’s no specific view saved or selected, the default view is 'System Default' (and this view cannot be edited).

Imported Metrics

A way of importing custom columns to your All Accounts Dashboard is through an external Google Sheet. In the Imported Metrics option under the 'Columns' dropdown, you can easily connect your own spreadsheet to fetch columns with stats and custom metrics.

Once you've linked your spreadsheet, you'll be prompted to select the Account ID column. The system will then list all the available column names, and you can choose which column(s) you'd like to pull into the dashboard.

Note: For the system to properly gather the data, the spreadsheet should have a header row and data rows, with an Account ID column.

Calculated Metrics

The Calculated Metrics option allows you to add custom parameters as columns within the dashboard. You can customize the name of the calculated metric and fill in a formula using different parameters to get the statistics you want to display. You can read more about them here.

Full-Screen Mode

Helps you a clearer view of the dashboard to better visualize your account's data.

Increase Text Size

Increases the text size of the dashboard from 12px to 14px to help you get a clearer and bolder view. You can also choose to go back to a smaller font, by clicking on 'Decrease text size'.

Optimization Suggestions

The Suggestions column on the dashboard indicates if there are any express optimization suggestions generated by the system. These are updated on a daily basis and are not affected by the dashboard's date range.

Note: This feature is not currently supported for Facebook Ads accounts.

By clicking on the suggestions columns, you'll see a side tray with a list of the different express optimization opportunities for the account. You can click on the optimization type to see the list of suggestions, this will give you more details on why the suggestion is being generated and allow you to adjust the suggestion and select the ones you'd like to apply.

Read more about it here.

Account Health

The Account Health column displays the overall health score of the account calculated by Optmyzr. It assigns color grades to provide a quick overview:

  • Red 🔴 - highlights significant issues affecting your account,

  • Yellow 🟡 - flags a few complications,

  • Green 🟢 - indicates an account without any outstanding issues.

The colors correspond to the increasing order of health score efficiency, making it easy to gauge the status of your account at a glance.

This grading is determined through a list of checks conducted by Optmyzr for your ads account. The system conducts these checks at three different time frames i.e., every 24 hours, every 7 days, and every 21 days. These checks are aligned towards tracking any changes in the important entities of the account (say, account-level KPIs, top spending keywords).

For example, any failed Optmyzr automation should ideally be addressed and fixed within 24 hours, or your disapproved ads should be fixed within 7 days. This score on the dashboard will signify any such changes that need your attention.

Here's a breakdown of the checks and their statuses, accessible by hovering over the account health colored dot:

  • Last 24 Hours:

    • Failed Automations: Displays the count of Optmyzr automations that failed (if any).

List of automations checked by the system:

  1. Rule Engine Strategies

  2. Audits

  3. Multi-Account Budgets

  4. Reports

  5. URL Checker

  6. Scripts

  7. Customer Match List

  8. Smart Exclusions

  9. Campaign Automator

  • Last 7 Days:

    • Anomaly Alerts: Shows the number of anomaly alerts related to impressions, clicks, and cost

    • Custom Alerts: Indicates the count of triggered custom alerts set up by you and your team

    • Disapproved Ads: Reflects the number of ads disapproved in the last 7 days

    • Disapproved Products: Indicates any disapproved products in the Merchant Feed during this period.

    • Paused or Removed Top Spending Campaigns: Displays the count of top campaigns (by spend) that have been paused or removed.

    • Budget Changes to Top 3 Campaigns by Cost: Displays any budget changes made to the top 3 campaigns by cost.

    • Paused or Removed Top 10 Spending Keywords: Indicates the count of top keywords by spend (within the top 10) that were paused or removed.

  • Last 21 Days:

    • Applied Optmyzr Suggestions: Shows the number of optimization suggestions that you've applied via Optmyzr. Flagged red if none are applied.

    • Changes made to the account: Indicates the total count of changes made within your account, via the native ad platform or any other tools.

Account Health Status is currently only available for Google Ads and Microsoft Ads accounts. Support for the Amazon Ads will be rolled out soon.

Download and Refresh data

The Download button on the top left of the account health pop-up card allows you to download the specifics of health data as a CSV file. The CSV file will include information regarding the results of the checks performed by the system. For example, a list of all your custom alerts or triggered anomaly alerts, changes applied to the account in the last 21 days, etc.

Once every day, you can use the 'Force Refresh Data' button to refresh and view the latest account health data.

Account Alerts

The account alerts feature in the All Accounts dashboard helps track the performance of specific metrics. It notifies you if the performance for a metric falls below target or starts trending in the wrong direction.

To have alerts at a more granular level or for other platforms, please refer to the View & Manage Alerts article here.

Account alerts work in two ways:

  • Track a metric's performance against a given target.

  • Monitor the trend and notify if the performance starts declining.

Active Alerts

On the top right of the All Accounts Dashboard, you'll see a bell icon for Active Alerts, where you can find the details of the alerts set up and which ones have been triggered.

Create Alerts

By hovering over any metric, you'll be able to see more details, such as performance for the last 4 weeks and a trend chart. This will also give you the option to create an alert to monitor the selected metric.

Clicking on '+ Add Alert' will open a side tray where you'll be able to complete the alert settings. Which Include:

  • Alert Level: you can choose to create alerts to monitor performance at the account level or you can have a granular approach and create them at lower levels such as campaign(s), bid strategy, label, etc.

    Note: Available levels vary from platform to platform.

  • Target: you can select between having an Automatic target or, if you have an exact target in mind, you can enter it under Specific Value.

    If you don’t have an exact target in mind, the automatic mode uses the last 8 weeks’ data as the target. If you choose to enter a specific value, it should be your expected target based on the last 4 weeks.

  • Advance Settings

    • Allowed Deviation: you can specify an allowed deviation percentage to avoid alerts being triggered by small changes.

    • Numbers of days to ignore: you can use this option to take care of any conversion delays by specifying to ignore data from the last 1-14 days.

  • Who will be notified of this alert?: you can select any or all of the team members that should be receiving the alert.

For example, if you're entering a target for cost/conversion as 20 and the allowed percentage deviation is 10%, then the system will highlight the cell in Red if the cost/conversion goes above $22.

Alerts View

Once your alerts are running, you'll see the color-coded metrics in the dashboard to easily identify areas of concern. You'll also see an arrow next to the value, which indicates if the metric is below or above target, and in the case of budgets if they're under or overspending.

The color of the cell will turn light red or dark red depending on the status of the metric.

  • Light Red - A light Red color means that either the metric is off-target or the performance is declining.

  • Dark Red - A dark Red color means that the metric is off-target, and the performance is declining.

You can hover over the metric to get more details, snooze, or edit the alert. Some metrics will allow you to investigate the changes, which will direct you to our PPC Investigator tool.

Alerts Column

The alerts column will give you a list of all active alerts for the account, allowing you to quickly review them by showing you more performance data. it also redirects you to tools that can help analyze performance. You can mark alerts as read once you've gone through remove them from the list, or can snooze alerts for a certain amount of time (read more)

Who will receive the alerts?

Whoever is the owner of the alert set up on the page will receive the alerts. We do not allow you to save an alert unless at least one team member is selected to be notified for metric or budget alerts.

By default, all alert notifications will be sent over email to the Account owner, which is specified on the All Accounts Dashboard.

If an account triggers an alert and no team member owns it or has it starred, the alert for the account will go to the person who set up that alert.

If the owner of the alert unsubscribed from alerts and emails from Optmyzr, by default, our system will notify the person who created the alert.

Audit Score

The Audit Score column will display the account's PPC audit grade. By hovering over the score, you'll see more details on which Audit Report is being used, the score per category, and the option to view the full report.

Custom Audit Reports can be created using our PPC Policy and Audit Tool (Read More)

You can modify the report being used on the All Accounts Dashboard directly on the Account Dashboard through the PPC Audit Report Widget, which will show all available templates in the PCC Policy and Audit Tool (Read More)

Blueprints Tasks

The Tasks column displays your due and overdue Blueprints tasks for the account. You can click on the number of tasks to review the full list and run them by clicking on the play button on the right. From this view you'll also be able to switch between accounts to see all pending tasks across them, filter by due or overdue tasks, and review your team's tasks. You can read more about it here.

Monthly Budgets

There are three ways to enter or modify a monthly target budget.

Please note that at particular times of the day, there may be a discrepancy between the cost shown in the cost column and the cost considered in the Budget Pacing on the All Accounts Dashboard.

The reason for this is that the value of cost and monthly budget are updated in real time. As soon as the cost gets updated in Google Ads API, it will show that value in the All Accounts dashboard.

However, the budget pacing is the cached data (meaning that it is saved once a day), and the same value will be shown until the cached data is updated.

1. Click the edit icon in the Dashboard table

You can enter any information you'd like this way. You can use this feature to add each account's Monthly Budget, Cycle Date, and other details, such as the account owner, tag(s), and note(s).

2. Hover over the budget you want to modify

Here you can see, add, and modify the monthly target budget, get information on whether the account is underspending or overspending, and the percentage of the budget used. By pressing Spend Projection or Optimize Budget, you'll be taken to the Spend Projection tool for a more complete and thorough budget-spend analysis.

3. Creating a Monthly Budget Pacing Alert

You'll be able to monitor your accounts' monthly budgets by creating Monthly Budget alerts at the single account level.

All you have to do is go to Alerts Settings and create a new budget pacing alert for single accounts. There, you'll be able to specify the account, enter your target monthly budget, and the cycle date. These details will be updated in the dashboard as alerts are created.

Pacing Status

The Budget Pacing feature shows what percentage you have spent relative to what you should have spent as a share of the month (linear spending).

How does the budget pacing work?

At the beginning of the month, the system considers the appropriate spend's pacing to be between 75% to 125%, and towards the end of the month, the system finds the appropriate spend's pacing to be between 99% to 101%.

This means that if, at the end of the month, the account spends less than 99%, then the system shows the budget pacing as underspending. Similarly, if, at the end of the month, the account is pacing at a percentage greater than 101%, it will be shown as overspending.

For the rest of the month, the algorithm performs a linear interpolation depending on the number of days passed and the spend already achieved.

When an account is underspending, the budget will be highlighted with an arrow trending downward beside the number.

When an account is overspending, the budget will be highlighted with an arrow trending upward beside the number.

"Pacing Status available in X days"

Budget pacing for the first 3 days in the budget cycle will show "Will be available in x days."

Whenever we enter a new month, the pacing is not available for the first three days of the month. The spend in the first 3 days is too low to make an accurate prediction. Because of this, and if this is the case, you'll see "will be available in 3 days" next to "pacing status".

Note: This feature isn’t a complete indicator of how much you’ll spend by the end of the month but rather a percentage-of-month-based estimation. If you want to see how your budget is behaving so far and get an in-depth calculation of how your budget will behave by the end of the month, you can use the Optimize Budget tool.

Monthly Budget Pacing Alert available on Alert pages

As you set up a monthly budget via the All Accounts Dashboard, alerts get automatically added on the Alert Settings page, where you can manage some more advanced options like notifying multiple users.

You can edit the Cycle Date or Monthly Budget target, and any update will get automatically reflected on the All Accounts Dashboard.

Please note that all monthly budget alerts will be reflected on the All Active Alerts Side Tray as soon as it is triggered. It will reflect the same information available on the All Accounts Dashboard.

If you do not wish to be alerted over email every day, you can disable the notifications associated with the monthly budget by clicking on the delete icon on that page.

The information will remain on the All Accounts Dashboard, but Optmyzr will no longer send you notifications for the same.

CSV Report

Download CSV report

By clicking on the download icon on the dashboard's top right corner, you can download a CSV report of the current page or all pages across the dashboard. You can export the data (CSV) for all the accounts 5 times in 24 hours.

The 'Export as CSV (All Pages)' option will allow you to receive the CSV file over email only.

If you have less than 100 accounts connected to Optmzyr, you can directly download the data for all the accounts. To do so, you can set the pagination to display 100 items per page and choose the 'Export as CSV (Current Page)' option.

Note: The system will export data according to the date range set in the default view. If you've chosen a different date range without saving it as the default, the system will not consider it.

Schedule CSV Report

If you'd like to receive the report on a regular basis, you can choose to automate it to receive it over email at the frequency of your choice.

When selecting the 'Schedule and Export CSV' option you'll be able to set up a schedule by specifying the following details:

Frequency: Weekly or Monthly. Along with the day of the week or the month when it should be sent.

Time Slot: Time of the day when it should be sent out,

Report Recipient(s): You can add your own email or multiple ones by separating them with a comma.

Send Data for Starred Account Only: By default, the report will include all accounts linked to Optmyzr. You can select this option to only receive a report that includes accounts you've marked as favorites.

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